Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Medici; Heroes of the Rennaissance
The Medici; Heroes of the Renaissance In the year 2004, PBS broadcasted the series, â€Å"Medici; Godfathers of the Renaissance†. This four-part documentary, in attempt to gain viewer interest, compared the Medici to the mobsters found in Francis Ford’s â€Å"The Godfather†. The relation of the Medici to Italian mobsters in the PBS Medici series is in no way accurate, for they were not villains of the renaissance, but heroes. The Medici were very connected with the church, and used their extensive wealth to promote religion. The Medici became powerful as a result of being the official Papal bankers. They used a lot of their power and wealth to give back to the church throughout their lives. Throughout the Medici timeline there were a total of four Medici Popes. The family was very much intertwined with the church. The Medici patronized the sculpture of David by Michelangelo as a gift to publicly show the beauty their religion. The Medici found and sponsored an architect named Brunelleschi to successfully complete the a dome for the Sistine Chapel. The building of the dome was an on-going problem and embarrassment for the church for many years, and the Medici had solved it. The Sistine Chapel was now a pride for the people of Florence. The Sistine Chapel was also flooded with famous paintings from Medici artists such as Michelangelo and Botticelli. These painting connected the church with modern society because the Medici artists were used, and they were very popular to the people of Florence. The Medici contributed to the church’s beauty, and connection with society throughout the renaissance. Art and architecture was a crucial part of the renaissance. It was the celebration of humanism, the competition between cities, and the start of new ideas. The Medicis were patrons of the most talented and radical people. The people the Medici supported all contributed greatly to the renaissance outlook on life and human pride. Art was so important to the Medici family that Lorenzo di Medici created a Flourentine School of Art. It was at this school Michelangelo was discovered, and brought in as part of the family. Michelangelo under the name of the Medici completed many inspiring pieces of art that would uplift the feel to society. He created the towering statue of David, which became a proud symbol of the city of Florence. Another Medici sponsored artist, Botticelli was famous for a different kind of art. Botticelli’s artwork was sensual , and contained many mythical gods and godesses. In his painting ‘The Birth of Venus’ this is seen the most clear. Venus is known as ‘the goddess of love’ , and in this painting she is naked emerging from the sea. This type of artwork was popular because it radically celebrated humanism, and portrayed ‘the perfect humans’. This type of art inspired people, and were uplifting. However, it was controversial because although society accepted it, the church did not approve. This was only one of many Medici artists’ artworks that was frowned upon by the church during the renaissance. Architecture played a big role in the uplifting of society as well. Architecture, like art, was another chance to out-do other cities, and win the title as most beautiful city. The Medici were patrons of the most famous architecture of the renaissance–Brunelleschi. Brunelleschi was the architect responsible for the completion of many Florentine buildings such as The Orphan’s Hospital, the Chapel of the Pazzi family, and most memorably; the Sistine Chapel’s dome. Brunelleschi’s architectural success brought forth a feeling of accomplishment, pride, and happiness for the people of Florence. These feelings were common characteristics of the renaissance era, brought forth by the Medici family. By supporting a questioning society, proving their power through patronizing, and discovering their own ways of gaining power, the Medici changed the political ways of the renaissance. Before the renaissance, the church was the most powerful and controlling leader. However, it only had power as long as their followers remained loyal. The Medici were household members with, and big supporters of ,the very intelligent, church-defying Galileo Galilei. Galileo’s completely valid discovery that the Earth travels around the Sun defied the teachings of the Old Testament. Galileo published a book of his discoveries disguised as a fiction novel. This was not the first scientific discovery to defy Bible teachings, however it was the most publicised. This caused society to begin to question the teachings of the Bible, and everything they had been taught. This theme of questioning lead to less loyal followers of the church, and more loyal followers of non-religion based rulers. The Medici also introduced power through patronage. Rather than fighting to prove power like in the past, the Medici found creating the most beautiful city was just as rewarding. Their rise to the very top after completing the dome of the Sistine Chapel proved this theory completely. Most of the Medici valued public involvement, modesty, and connections, for that was how they gained power. According to Pope Puis II Cosimo di Medici was â€Å"not so much a citizen, as master of his city†¦he was king in all but name and state. †The more people they befriended, the more loyal followers they would have. Cosimo Medici I however, ran Tuscany based on fear. He felt a powerful military and security would produce better results and less threats. Both forms of government worked for the Medici, and were continued to be used throughout the renaissance, and into today. The Medici positively contributed to the Renaissance through religion, art, architecture, and politics. For this, the Medici should be honoured as heroes of the renaissance. Through their constant contributions to the church, unique taste in art, and daring bold choices, it is not questionable how the Medici kept power and influence throughout the renaissance. Countries in today’s society should aim for well-rounded leaders like the Medici.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Prayer should be allowed in Public Schools Essay
The issue regarding the constitutionality of mandatory school prayer in schools in hinged on the separation between the church and the state that has been decreed by the constitution. On one side, there are those who argue that prayer in public school classrooms should be declared unconstitutional because it involves â€Å"excessive entanglement,†which is prohibited under the doctrine of separation of church and state (Clark 35). The other view is based more on the argument that such act is permissible because even the Pledge of allegiance contains the phrase â€Å"under God. (Clark 35)†It is humbly submitted in this position paper, however, that the more correct view remains to be that prayer in classrooms should be tolerated as long as it is not mandatory. In arriving at a better understanding of this issue, it is first important to define the constitutional issue at hand. The phrase, â€Å"separation of Church and State†, is actually from a letter that was written by one of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, to a group that called themselves the Danbury Baptists (Busher 13). In the letter, Thomas Jefferson wrote that, â€Å"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between Church and State. †This was of course in reference to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution (Whitsitt 186). The basic precept of this doctrine is founded on a firm belief that religion and state should be separate. It covers a very wide spectrum, as mentioned in the previous sections of this discussion, ranging from the secularization or elimination of the church to theocracy wherein the state works in tandem with a religion in order to govern over the acts of people (Bradley 199) The problem is that while the church and state do maintain that there is indeed a necessity to abide by the doctrine of the separation of church and state there is no clear way of delineating the boundaries between the spheres of these two institutions (Bradley 199). There are still certain acts that require entanglement between the church and the state because of the duty of the government to cater to the welfare of its people who invariably belong to some form of religion, in most cases. One of these instances is when prayer is allowed in public school classrooms. To argue that prayer is unconstitutional would be to deny the people the right to their rich American history. The first settlers were Pilgrims and even the first thanksgiving meal, though not seemingly a prayer by conventional means, was actually an act of thanking the almighty God for all the blessings (Bradley 199). If prayer is to be considered as a religious affirmation that is offensive to the constitution then other forms such as the pledge of allegiance and the â€Å"In God We Trust†declaration on the dollar bill must also be struck down (Bradley 199). It cannot therefore be argued prayer in public school classrooms is a clear violation of the establishment clause when even the humble dollar bill has the sign â€Å"in God we trust†written on it. If it is to be argued that prayer is a violation of the establishment clause then so must the dollar bill be struck down as a violation (Bradley 199). Yet time and again the almighty dollar has prevailed. The reason for this is because such a declaration is not an endorsement of a single religion, which is exactly what the establishment clause prohibits, but rather it is a declaration by the American people of their belief in a superior being. This argument is not limited to a single God but to all Gods of whatever beliefs. The beauty of the American democracy is that it empowers instead of stifles. It encourages instead of denies. To argue that prayer should not be allowed is unpatriotic, it is un-American. A prayer is a sign of thanks for everything that has been given to everyone. A single word or phrase isolated and taken out of context does much to remove the original intent from it. Reciting a prayer in public school classrooms does not further the cause of any single religion. Instead, it serves to show the rest of the world the pride that Americans have for their great nation. It shows unity. It shows strength. It shows the American way. References: Clark, James R. (1965). Messages of the First Presidency. Brigham Young University, Department of Educational Leadership & Foundations. Retrieved on 2007-1-30. Fighting the Establishment (Clause). Bradley, Jennifer, The American Prospect, September 1, 1996. Available at: http://www. prospect. org/print/V7/28/bradley-j. html Religion in the Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law. The American Civil Liberties Union, 1996. Available at: http://aclu. org/issues/religion/relig7. html West Encyclopedia of American Law. West Group, 1998. Busher, Leonard (1614). Religious Peace: or, a Plea for Liberty of Conscience. Whitsitt, Dr. William (1896). A Question in Baptist History: Whether the Anabaptists in England Practiced Immersion Before the Year 1641?. C. T. Dearing, pp. 69-70.
Analysis of Little Women
The little women's story begin when Meg and Joy are teenagers and the two youngest are entering adolescence. Their family is in the poorest period since the father is serving in the army. At this time, Laurie, a rich boy, move to this town and become girls' close friend. Each of the girls faces their moral demons when they grow older. Joy strives hard to be a great writer. The bashful girl Beth has to conquer shyness, while Amy, the youngest one, has to fight against her bosom enemy aristocratic pride.Finally, Meg gets married with Laurel's gentlemanliness tutor, John Brooke. After Joy refused the courtship of Laurie, she goes to New York to pursue her ambition, in where she meets a learned German expatriate Professor Bear, who helps her a lot in writing. Amy takes up advanced studies of painting in Europe following Aunt Carroll, unexpectedly fall in love with Laurie. They go back home when Beth dies at an early age. Joy also returns home and cares for her beloved family. Amy There a re 1000 Hamlets in 1000 people's eyes.However, I should say, Amy is so as well. Someone think that she is stagy; someone consider her as a childish girl; while, in my opinion, she is a very kind girl. She Is described by the author as a girl who own curled golden hair and blue eyes. As an aristocratic young girl, Amy dreamt of marrying a wealthy man, which became true that achieved by marrying Laurie. Since Amy is the youngest one in her family, she was often bullied by her sisters In some sense. When they had a role play in the family, Amy always acted the character which as abandoned by everyone.She compromised to her sisters even though she already said that she would not. At the end, she gave up on art because she thought herself to be lacking of talent. Nevertheless, she had a happiness marriage with Laurie and gave birth to a daughter. The movie vs.. The book The movie Is edited and adjusted based on the director's comprehension. Writing about the differences between the book and the movie of The Little Women, I want to focus on two main aspects: the story and the characterization.The first two chapters of the book are cut down In the film. In addition, several significant details are disappeared In the film, such as the conservation between Joy and her mother talking about how Joy could control her Irritable temper and the endeavor Amy made for being a grace lady. The lack of the details results In the ambiguous presentation of the character's personality. We cannot see fully the tomboyish nature on Joy and the challenge she faces because of this personality which Is wrote In details In the book.What's more, there Is no mention about Beet's bashfulness. I am not aware of how shy Beth Is until reading the book. Actually, the film and the novel are obviously different on the story and the depiction of the character. Analysis of Little Women By Militarily in my opinion, she is a very kind girl. She is described by the author as a girl who Amy is the younge st one in her family, she was often bullied by her sisters in some The movie is edited and adjusted based on the director's comprehension. Writing of the book are cut down in the film.In addition, several significant details are disappeared in the film, such as the conservation between Joy and her mother talking about how Joy could control her irritable temper and the endeavor Amy made for being a grace lady. The lack of the details results in the ambiguous presentation of challenge she faces because of this personality which is wrote in details in the book. What's more, there is no mention about Beet's bashfulness. I am not aware of how shy Beth is until reading the book. Actually, the film and the novel are obviously
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Outliers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Outliers - Assignment Example He is a sports lover and has an attitude inclined towards psychology and research. In his literature psychological and sociological issues are delved deeper by the use of sports at all levels. Gladwell said; "Im not sure that the boundaries that used to exist among different recreational activities will matter as much in the future." Gladwell is the writer of four books, all successful. He described his brainwave of writing as; "I have two parallel things Im interested in. One is, Im interested in collecting interesting stories, and the other is Im interested in collecting interesting research. What Im looking for is cases where they overlap." The Tipping Point gives a new way to understand world, Blink changed the view of thinking and Outliers transformed the understanding of success. He really is a gifted man with the ability to see beyond those simplicities which others ignore. Outlier is a statistical term which is used to define points which do not follow the trend. Literally an outlier is the odd one out, the different, the status quo breaker, the one who brazen out the routine and the one who has the ability to challenge the norms. The book â€Å"Outliers†is itself an out of the box idea of Gladwell. Like his previous books, Gladwell, in Outliers has followed his tradition of challenging the status quo. The name itself has embark an extremely different and entirely new definition of the term; â€Å"Outliers†. After reading â€Å"Blink†the initial two seconds spent on looking the book comprised of the name; â€Å"Outliers†. My very first opinion influence through the name of the book was that it will be a powerful piece of literature. To me the hypothesis is successful, decisions made in mere two seconds are as good as the decisions made cautiously and deliberately. The book; â€Å"Outliers†is as powerful as the name itself suggests. Gladwell has used the term â€Å"Outlier†to represent the successful people of the world. He talks of those
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Analysis of Lewis Structures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of Lewis Structures - Research Paper Example The following are examples of the structures in a monoatomic form: Lewis structures are also used to indicate bonding in the form of a dash (-) for covalent bonds or a charge (+ or -) for ionic bonds (Schodek and Bechthold 301). Some examples: The bonds that are formed in the polyatomic structures usually have angles. The angles result in molecular geometry, which is best represented experimentally with the use of balls and sticks. The bonding angles that are involved in the analysis include linear, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, trigonal planar, or bent. These are the geometries used in the Lewis structure experiments, though there are other geometric formations, where the structure does not adhere to the octet rule. Experimental Use The experimental representation of the Lewis structure requires the use of the following materials: A ball that has four holes, to be used as the central atom Inflexible sticks or straws for the single bonds a Flexible sticks or connectors for the dou ble or triple bonds The lone pairs around the central atom requires inflexible sticks NB: the balls used should be different in color as well as size to ease the representation of the elements and the electrons, with the central ball preferably larger. Arranging the experimental balls requires adherence to the guidelines for arranging the atoms, electrons, and bonds in the structures. Guidelines Involved In Using the Structures The rules in the experimental process of producing the Lewis structures follow these steps: 1. Draw the dot and structure diagram of the molecules or ions in question. For this step, knowledge on the bonds formed, their angles as well as geometry is important. The arrangement of the elements in the molecules is first established at this point. The central atom has to be established, the central atom, the element that holds most of the bonds is the structure. The following step to get involved into is the calculation of the valence bonds that are involved in t he bond formation, for a molecule (Schodek and Bechthold 501). The individual atoms and their configuration have to be considered in this case. The periodic table of elements is handy at this stage. The follow-up is the identification of bonds, following the octet rule i.e. a stable atom has to obtain a stable gas configuration in bond formation. 2. Determination of the overall and molecular geometry of the dot structure Using the knowledge of the geometry of formation, only as the octet rule applies, studying the dot structure allows inception of whether the structure is a linear, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, trigonal planar, or bent formation. The main concept regarding the bond formation and geometry is the bond angles, which are 180 ° for the linear, 120 ° for the trigonal planar, 109.5 ° for the tetrahedral, 90 °, 120 ° and 180 ° for the trigonal by pyramidal, 90 ° and 180 ° for the Octahedral, etc (Schodek and Bechthold 492). Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Personal Development Plan Portfolio Report Essay
Personal Development Plan Portfolio Report - Essay Example The assessment includes reading, writing, and oral communication, alongside with team work, problem solving, personal effectiveness, numeracy, and information technology. The section in which I scored the lowest marks was oral communication. The section in which I scored the highest was personal effectiveness. The second diagnostic which is used was ‘Rough & Ready Reckoner’. This diagnostic was particularly interesting as it measured preference for one’s learning style. The diagnostic concluded that I am an activist who wants public appreciation and who is always looking for new and fresh experiences. This particular diagnostic also revealed a number of shortcomings of my personality which were scarily accurate. It showed that I am a risk taker however, these risks are often unwarranted. Other weaknesses like impulsiveness and lack of concentration were revealed from the diagnostic. The third diagnostic that helped me understand my learning needs was VAK self asse ssment. The diagnostic concluded that I prefer an auditory learning style. According to the diagnostic, I am more inclined to learn from listening to other people and using my auditory senses. I prefer learning from concentrating on what is being said rather than other learning through physical experience and visual learning. In accordance with the diagnostic, the first goal I have set for myself is to improve my oral communication skills. I have always encountered problems in expressing my point of view, and therefore the first goal I have set is to work on my verbal communication skills. This goal is also in line with the information I received from diagnostic test. Effective communication will help increase my chances of getting desirable employment opportunities in future because it is the most basic skill all employers are looking for in prospective employees (Bridgstock, 2009). This is why setting the goal of improving oral communication is justified. The second development go al that I have set is to negotiate and persuade other group members in the team. The diagnostics told me that I am an activist that is looking for appreciation. This sometimes leads me to give in to the opinions of other people even when I do not wholly agree with them. This is something which, I believe, is hindering development and, therefore, I have decided to set this development goal to improve my team working and group working skills. The third development goat that I have set is to improve my research skills while completing my academic assignments and reports. This goal will help me improve my academic performance to a great degree, and is expected to lead me to long term academic success (Kramer, 2002). The diagnostic informed me that I have difficulty in concentrating on one thing. This is why I have set this particular academic development goal. Progress Review The use of the three diagnostic methods mentioned above helped me a lot in understanding my strengths and weakne ss both at personal and academic level. These diagnostic tests revealed important information for me that helped me develop my development goals. The tests revealed that I lack good oral communication skills, which is why I am not able to express myself. The reality was bitter however, it helped me identify areas of improvement. With regards to team working skills, I thought I always had an edge because I really like working in teams. Diagnostic methods helped me understand that I like appreciation of people and this was the reason why I was a
Monday, August 26, 2019
CONLeader-R2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
CONLeader-R2 - Essay Example In this way, the nature of leadership within an organization may contribute significantly to the manner in which the organization functions because the leader influences other members of the group to work towards the achievement of group goals. In the context of examining motivation of employees at an IT firm in Doha, it must be noted that cultural and religious factors play a significant role in influencing motivation of employees and organizational performance. Budhwar and Mellahi (2006:6) have pointed out that Arabic countries are primarily masculine and conform to a hierarchical structure. Hence leadership would need to adopt a contingency approach, such that a productive balance is achieved between the requirements of each task, the team needs, the organisational climate and the situational, contextual pressures. According to this approach, a leader would need to modify his or her approach to adapt to the contextual situation. For example, in a primarily masculine context such as that which exists in the Middle East, leadership by women would not be acceptable. Additionally, male leaders would also need to be sensitive to the cultural and religious needs of their primarily Muslim workforce and must adapt to those need s. According to Peddler et al (1994, cited in Cole, 1997:318), effective managers must possess â€Å"social skills and abilities, â€Å"emotional resilience†, â€Å"continuing sensitivity to events†and â€Å"proactivity, i.e, the inclination to respond purposefully to events†. This corroborates the application of a contingency approach to management wherein a leader in a management position in the Middle East. Since HRM theories have primarily been developed and tested primarily within a Western environment, their applicability in the Middle East may be limited within the Arab environment. The problem that arises when western
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Comprehensive care plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comprehensive care plan - Term Paper Example The medical examination conducted on the patient revealed significant degenerative changes in both hip joints, which were observed on the X-ray films. The surgeon recommended a total replacement of the right hip coupled with a total replacement of the left hip to follow in a period of 6 to 12 months. This article contains a comprehensive nursing care for a resident who has osteoarthritis and undergoes joint replacement surgery. The RN completed a nursing history and examination of Mr Powell on admission. The medical records indicate that the patient suffers from mild Parkinson’s disease. Mr Powell is currently taking carbidopa/levodopa (Sinemet 25-100) four times a day to control his symptoms. There have been no other reports of chronic medical conditions. The RN reported that the patient been essentially healthy his entire life. Moreover, Mr Powell has no known allergies to medications, has no history of smoking, and consumes small amounts of alcohol. The medical examination conducted by the RN notes that the patient is alert and oriented. Mr Powell’s medical examination reported vital signs at BP 116/64, P 68 regular, R 18, T 97.4Â °F (36.3Â °C) PO. Marginal pulses are strong and equal in the upper extremities and slightly weaker but equivalent in the lower extremities. The patient’s feet are cool to the touch but have an immediate capillary refill. Mr Powell’s shoulders, wr ists and elbows indicated full ROM. On the other hand, the ROM of both hips is significantly restricted. The pain on both sides in prompted by hip flexion beyond 90 degrees. Also, both flexion and extension of the knees are slightly limited. Mr Powell has a shuffling gait and walks with a limp, favouring his right hip. Preoperative laboratory studies and CBC were conducted on the patient. The coagulation studies and urinalysis show a serum creatinine of 1.7 mg/dL and BUN of 30 mg/dL, with no other noted abnormal values. His ECG and chest X-ray indicate
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Law for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Law for Business - Essay Example Either the acceptance of an offer may be a statement of agreement, or, if the offer invites acceptance in this way, a performance of an act requested in the terms of the offer. It is important to note that acceptance is the final and unqualified acceptance and it must be according to the types and the requirements of the offer hence acceptance must exactly match the offer. Other forms of acceptance of an offer may be spoken, written, by action and an acceptance is never acceptance when there is silence and assumption. For example, if one tells a neighbor kid that if the kid mows the offeror’s lawn, the offeror will pay $50.00, and the kid does actually mow the lawn. The act of mowing constitutes the manifestation of the kid’s assent hence constituting an acceptance given the offer presented and the terms upon which it is presented. For a contract based on offer and acceptance to be binding and enforceable by law, the terms must be capable of determination in the same co urts of law in a way that it is clear that the parties assent was given to the same terms of agreement. The terms must be in the position of being able to manifest themselves or be determined determined objectively. They may be written, or sometimes oral, although some kinds of contracts require writing as evidence of the agreement to be enforced in the courts of law. What is an offer? In an offer the offerer decides to make an offer and goes further vto communicate the offer. The offeree is then left with the responsibility of either accepting or rejecting the offer of which they have to communicate the acceptance in the case they decide to accept the offer with the terms around it Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394. The offerer then decides to receive the acceptance and the contract remains binding. An offer therefore can be defined as definite promise to be bound upon some specific terms, making it be a proposition by one party to another party on fixed terms that are fixed or in a po sition of being fixed. This is with the intention that it will be binding when accepted by the offeree in either of the forms prescribed for acceptance. In fact, a definite offer does not need to be made to a specific person, this is because it can be made to a particular class of persons or the world in general and it would remain binding if all the requirements were adhered. An offer is actually an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as the person to whom it is addressed, the â€Å"offeree†[G.H. Tretel, The Law of Contract, 10th edn, p.8], accepts it. The â€Å"expression†referred to in the definition of an offer may take different forms, such as a letter, newspaper, fax, email and even conduct, as long as it communicates the basis on which the offeror is prepared to contract. The â€Å"intention†referred to in the definition is objectively judged and only determinable by courts. The English case of Smith v. Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 emphasizes that the important thing is not the party’s real intentions but; how a reasonable person would view the situation making. This makes an offer not to be so specific to an individual. This is mainly due to common sense as each party would not wish to breach his side of the contract, if it would make him or her culpable to damages, it would especially be contrary to the principle of certainty and clarity in
Friday, August 23, 2019
Academic Report on video game addiction social responsibility Essay
Academic Report on video game addiction social responsibility - Essay Example The authors also believe that the companies which produce the games should be somewhat responsible for their consumers. This particular article would be helpful in establishing distinct ways that society can be more responsible when it comes to this issue as the article presents several specific examples for this. In addition, the article does a good job of presenting an overview of the problem which would be helpful in establishing the background for the paper. Mehroof, Mehwash, and Mark D. Griffiths. "Online Gaming Addiction: The Role of Sensation Seeking, Self-Control, Neuroticism, Aggression, State Anxiety, and Trait Anxiety." CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13.3 (2010): 313-316. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. This article provides a study that details some of the consequences in terms of a person’s mental well-being when they have become addicted to video games. For instance, the research illustrates that those who are addicted to video games display an overall increase in aggression, violent behavior, anxiety, and neuroticism. The study found that these behaviors or personality traits were very prevalent in those who were addicted to online gaming. The article would be helpful for a research paper on the topic of video game addiction and social responsibility in that it provides evidence as to how video or online gaming impacts a person negatively. This impact can be pointed to in order to prove that society should be held to a higher standard in terms of how it deals with this type of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Find something interesting Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Find something interesting - Coursework Example This new approach in adapting mind uses evolutionary psychology approach to explaining how a collection of conscious mental programs have constantly evolved to solve the adaptive problems such as language acquisition, mate selection, cooperation and sexual infidelity (Delton et al. 1). It is also interesting how the others talk about the mate preference. According to the evidence and evolutionary theory, psychology has developed male mates prefer to date young female mates. While, female mates prefer high status male mates because it seems rather obvious. The authors also explain that in real-life contexts, male mate prefer younger female mate and female prefer high status male mates, but it is rather astonishing as the theory suggests that the evolution as played a role in this mate preference. David Buller, a critique of the theory and results from evolutionary psychology, dismissed such claims (Delton et al. 1). According to this theory of evolution and psychology, sex preference development is a biological process and evolve as people adapt to the environmental changes (Delton et al. 2). The development of the sex preference takes place due to the pressure of the physical and social environment. Women and men differ in sexual preference since both are faced with different physical and social environment (Delton et al. 1). For example, when looking for a mating partner, female mates are more concern with the security and survival of their offspring, therefore, they will seek for men with such qualities. Men, on the other hand, are less concern with the reproductive. According to this theory, the psychological difference between men and women also helps explain their sexual difference in sexual preference. Women and men occupy a different role in the society, therefore, are faced with different pressure (Delton et al. 3). According to Buller, no solid empirical results as ever been produced by evolutionary psychology. He went
Hyatt Walkway Essay Example for Free
Hyatt Walkway Essay In Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, in 1981, connections supported the ceiling rods holding up the second and the fourth floor walkways has failed and collapsed and fell down on the first floor where was so crowded then and resulted in 114 deaths and over 200 injuries. Beside of the loss of lives, this collapse left millions dollars in cost behind and a number of principals lost their engineering licenses and number of firms went bankruptcy. As for the events triggered this collapse affecting the thousands of people adversely, the most critical and important factor was the change of the design of the hanger rod connections from one-rod to two-rod system to make the assembly task simpler doubling the load on the connector. Improper design utilizing abrupt section changes, resulting in stress concentrations Degradation of materials in a connection. Improper design due to lack of consideration of all forces acting on a connection, especially those associated with volume changes. Lack of consideration of large residual stresses resulting from manufacture or fabrication. These are the most important structural factors caused of the walkway collapse. And it is resulted from the conflictual and controversial communication between the Havens Steel Company and G.C.E International Inc. This can be deemed as the most important factor triggered the walkway collapse because of the fact that these two professional engineering companies obviously were not able to communicate each other in professional bounders and haven’t acted in a responsible way and understood the importance of the job they were doing. G.C.E International Inc., Daniel M. Duncan and Jack D. Gillum is the most blame for walkway collapse because of charging gross negligence, incompetence, misconduct and unprofessional conduct in the practice of engineering in connection with their performance of engineering services in the design and construction of the Hyatt Regency Hotel. G.C.E International Inc. bears the most responsibility because of the fact that they were the responsible one on design changing and they were failed on final check step by approving the design change opinion by the Havens Company and they have failed on it. G.C.E International Inc. and Havens Company were involved in key decisions because of the fact that Havens Company proposed the design change on as mentioned above and G.C.E International Inc. accepted this offer after receiving the shop drawings.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual
Describe How Active Participation Benefits An Individual Introduction Recent decades have seen a greater emphasis on service user participation than had previously been the case (Beresford, 2001). In the past, decision making in social care and associated policy development had been led by practitioners, politicians and academics, with service users and citizens having minimal say in what services they received and how services were provided (Beresford, 2001). This study examines how active participation of service users has developed over the last 20-30 years and how the progress made in encouraging participation has benefited individuals and the overall quality of service provision. For the purposes of this study, there is primarily a focus on the service user as the individual who engages in active participation although it should be accepted that family members and carers have their own separate and sometimes conflicting needs for participation (Roulstone et al., 2006). Service users are described by Beresford (2001, p.9) as â€Å"people who receive or are eligible to receive social care services†and it is important to note that people can self-identify as a service user. However, active participation of people outside of the health and social care arena will also be discussed as there is evidence that participation in community activities can be beneficial to citizens who are not in receipt of social care services. Policy and Legislation A shift towards more active participation has a basis in the policies and legislation introduced under New Labour. Government took a view that greater participation would be a way of increasing the number of citizens who would be active citizens (Millward, 2005) and the Health and Social Care Act 2001 was at the forefront of extending service user choice and the enablement of people to decide on their own services through schemes such as Direct Payments. Other relevant legislation and guidance has included the White Paper Our Health, Our Care Our Say (Department of Health, 2006); Valuing People (Department of Health, 2001); the National Service Framework for Older People (Department of Health, 2001). With specific reference to social care, Putting People First (2007) set out a commitment to closer working between central and local government, and the health and social care sectors, alongside better partnership working with service users and carers. More recently, under the Coalition Government consultations such as A vision for social care: Capable communities and active citizens (DH, 2010) and Caring for our future: Shared ambitions for care and support (DH, 2011) have continued to encourage participation with an expectation that it can help people to live healthier and more independent lives. It is evident from cross-party support that active participation is something supported across the political spectrum. Participation is seen as something that encourages better citizenship and it can also be argued that it offers a form of low level democracy. Participation is also something that pulls back direct state intervention in people’s lives. What is Active Participation? Active participation can be defined in a number of ways and can be related to both individuals who are in receipt of health and social care services and those who live independently in the community without service provision. Definitions such as ‘consultation’, ‘partnership’ and ‘involvement’ are often used to explain participation (Roberts, 2002). In social care terms participation might be seen as allowing and individual to have control over day to day decisions such as what time meals would be taken or when personal care services would be delivered; at a more strategic level, participation might involve giving a say in how services are commissioned and delivered to a wider group of service users (Mordey and Crutchfield, 2004). Service user consultation groups or local forums for citizens to discuss how services are prioritised and delivered are examples of this broader level of active participation. The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has developed some useful definitions for participation. It uses the word participation as being â€Å"to talk about actively working together on a particular project or activity†(SCIE 2004, p.2). It also sets out a number of key values and principles which should inform participation work. These include a belief in citizenship; the promotion of empowerment; developing a human rights culture in social care; giving equal priority to all opinion; developing new approaches to participation; being inclusive; and making it clear what people can and cannot be involved in (SCIE 2004). The final point is important. Active participation is rightly seen as a positive development for service users but there still has to be a line where organisations can make decisions irrespective of service user participation. Adult safeguarding is an example of this, where sometimes decisions may have to be made without the participation of an individual in order to protect his or her welfare. Nonetheless, the link between participation and social work values is a positive one. It suggests that participation is grounded in a commitment to human rights and equality, something that should bring benefits to the individuals who take up the opportunity to participate. SCIE also draws a distinction between the different types of participation that can be found in social care, suggesting that participation can range from providing information and actively listening to service user views, to providing assistance or even financial support to allow people to research or provide services (SCIE, 2004). Participation can also be applied to a range of service user groups including older people, children and families, people with disabilities and people with drug and alcohol misuse problems (SCIE, 2004). The Personalisation Agenda The personalisation agenda in health and social care has been critical in promoting the idea of active participation. Personalisation is primarily a new way of providing social care support which puts the person requiring a service at the centre of the assessment process and allows individuals and their carers a real say in identifying their needs and making choices about how services will be provided (Carr, 2010). It recognises that people are individuals with diverse strengths and preferences, and aims to empower people through better provision of information and advocacy, early intervention to get the right support in place and also recognising the rights of carers (SCIE, 2012). Given these aims of personalisation, one of the key benefits for the individual would be having greater control over services provided and consequently there being a greater chance of the rights services being provided, with positive outcomes. Another key point about personalisation and participation is that it still has to be facilitated by agencies and policy makers. As much as people may want to participate in service delivery or more simply just in community work, they still require the tools to do so and also the autonomy to make their own decisions. Benefits of Participation Greater participation in how services are delivered can bring a number of benefits to service users. Active participation can help develop more customer/service user-friendly versions of existing services and give individuals more say in how their services are run and how they can access them. Participation gives service users – who are also tax-payers – a greater say on how money is spent on services in their area and also helps individuals become co-designers and co-producers of the services that they use (Leadbetter, 2004). At a wider level, it can be argued that active participation allows for self-organisation by communities, rather than service provision being dictated by external agencies or distant central government. Participation also supports the development of greater citizenship. Participation and influence over how public funds are spent can be seen as being an important part of the democratic process and the concept of citizenship lends itself to ideals of equity and collective provision which are embedded in public services. For the individual, participation in public service can increase a sense of civic attachment and impress on the individual what it means to be a member of a democratic society (Leadbetter, 2004). Participation and Young People Discussions around personalisation and participation generally have an emphasis on the participation of adult service users but active participation can also have a positive impact for young people who access social care support and services. Legislation and guidance including the Children Act 1989 and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child have a focus on the child’s right to participate in decision making and there are a number of benefits for both young people and the organisations that provide services. For young people, active participation can help them gain new skills and experience, develop self-confidence and influence the decisions that affect their lives. They can develop social networks and begin to understand how organisations work. Participation can also quite simply be fun for young people, and it can help them feel valued and empowered (Wright et al., 2005). Active participation can be particularly beneficial for children and young people who might be consider as disadvantaged or vulnerable. Groups such as looked after children, young offenders, care leavers, young carers and gay and lesbian young people are easily marginalised and many agencies tend to direct them rather than engage with them. They face a number of barriers to participation such as a lack of motivation to engage; mistrust of adults and a feeling that their views will not be listened to because of their past experiences (McNeish, 1999). Research studies highlight a number of positives from individual participation projects which could be used as a benchmark for future initiatives. In Hampshire for example, a Care Action Team (CAT) was established bring together members and officer from the County Council to work with people who were in, or had been in care. Regular meetings to gather the views of young people led to a number of improvements in how services to young people were delivered. These included development of a new sleepover policy making it easier for looked after children to spend the night with friends; involvement of young people in the inspection of children’s homes, and a Children’s Homes Education Policy which improved the educational support for looked after children. A more general improvement from the establishment of the CAT was that young people developed a greater sense of worth and awareness that they were not alone in their experiences (Wright et al., 2005). For organisations, encouraging active participation by young people can also bring improvements to service delivery. It helps them become more responsive to the needs of children and young people; it increases the accessibility of organisation and makes them more efficient in providing effective services (Wright et al., 2005). Active Participation in the Community Active participation has benefits for society as well as the individuals involved. We live in a nation with an ageing population and many older people have greater expectation of both opportunity and support from public services in later life. An Audit Commission report (2004, p.2) stated that â€Å"the shift in proportion, composition and attitudes of the older age group has profound implications for public services. We need to start taking action now to shape things for the better†. Active participation does not only relate to people who are in need or receipt of social care services however. Participation in the community can also benefit individuals who do not require social care provision. Many older people for example, benefit from active participation in their local communities and government studies have suggested that active participation is linked to the overall well-being of individuals (Audit Commission, 2004). A number of strategies can be developed to encouraged independence and participation for older people. These can include work to support people ensuring that they have a safe comfortable home, and live in a neighbourhood close to friends and amenities. Good public transport networks allow people to get out and about whilst social and leisure activities promote social inclusion. Information for older people on how to access amenities encourages active participation as do healthy living initiatives which help people to stay active and healthy (Audit Commission, 2004). Active participation for older people is also a way of tackling the ageism that exists in society. Participation allows people to feel valued and able to challenge stereotypes that older people offer less to society that younger people. Participation allows them to have a say in decisions made about them both as individuals and as a wider group in society. A Department of Pensions report published in 2009 identified LinkAge Plus (LAP) pilots as initiatives which enable older people to become more active in their communities (Willis and Dalziel, 2009). Schemes to give opportunities to socialise through social, leisure and training activities help to address wider community and social wellbeing outcomes through the creation and development of social capital. Examples might include over 60s clubs providing activities ranging from Tai Chi to adult art classes. Network Centres establish social networks for older people which improve confidence and well-being and the DWP report concludes that people are â€Å"empowered when new or stronger bonds are created between themselves and the community in which they live†(Willis and Dalziel, p.45). Other examples of active participation demonstrate older people have an active role in local decision making and commissioning of services. The Gateshead Older People’s Assembly for example was funded to assess the appropriateness, accessibility and effectiveness of services for older people in the region. The benefits were twofold – the Assembly allowed a number of individuals the opportunity to become involved in stimulating research and study activities, whilst the conclusions were feedback into local service procurement, ensuring that the views of the wider population of older people were being heard (Willis and Dalziel, 2009). Criticisms and Obstacles Whilst most of the evidence points towards active participation being a positive opportunity for individuals there are some concerns about how it might delivered and that there will be obstacles to real and effective active participation. Some commentators suggest that the whole personalisation agenda will simply tie up social workers in drafting support plans and assisting with finances, rather than providing a more person-centred social work support, whilst there are also concerns that the introduction of personal budgets will be seized upon by individual who have motives other than the well-being of services users (Needham, 2010). There are also concerns that personalisation is simply a way of implementing public sector budget cuts and introducing a level of consumerism into social care for vulnerable people. The emphasis on individuals managing their own finances could possibly lead to financial abuse or simply people mismanaging their personal budgets (Needham, 2010). Even outside of social care, a cynical view of encouraging people to find their own ways of participating in the community could be that it is simply a way for the state to withdraw from provision of leisure services and have people fund and manage them themselves. A final concern around active participation is that it could lead to discrimination against vulnerable groups if they were to become more active and visible in the community. Services users with physical and learning disability who try to manage their own care in the community may be probe to physical, emotional or financial abuse by neighbours and Burton et al. (2012) also suggest that disabled people trying to live ordinary lives in the community, and participating in community activities, may cause some hostility. Conclusions The evidence available suggests that participation is a positive thing. The applies equally to participation in service delivery and review for those in need of social care, and to those in the community who simply wish to remain active members of the community. In social care, the personalisation agenda and the move towards self-directed support and personal budgets has promoted active participation. It puts individual service users in greater control of what services they receive and allows services user groups to have a greater say in how services are commissioned and delivered. This benefits individuals as it allows them to have a real say in how they receive support; it should also assist the organisations that provide services to develop and improve the services that they provide. Similar principles apply in social care provision for children and young people, as active participation allows their voices to be heard and should give decision makers a better understanding of what is needed to support vulnerable young people It is important to note that active participation in social care can be linked into some basic social care values. Good social work practice should involve putting the individual first (SCIE, 2012) and initiatives such as personalisation and can help demonstrate a commitment to respect for the individual and self-determination. Social workers that encourage active participation will generally be demonstrating a person-centred or child-centred approach that will enable an effective and non-discriminatory relationship with the individual that they are trying to help. Again, this is further evidence that active participation is largely beneficial to the individual. Active participation for people outside of the social care system also appears to have a positive effect on people’s lives. It promotes social inclusion and the evidence suggests that being active in the community promotes well-being and helps people to live more fulfilling lives. In a modern, democratic society, there is no reason why active participation should not be commonplace. It demonstrates that as a society we value the views and opinions of all citizens and that when people need support, they can have a say in how it is provided, rather than the state simply imposing a service that may not meet the individual’s need. By encouraging more general participation in society, active participation also demonstrates that we value the input of all members of society into the community, regardless of age or disability. Cynics might argue that active participation is a way for local and central government to save money and pass the onus for some tasks back to service users and the local community. Whilst their might be an element of truth in this, the reality is that active participation is largely a positive development. Many citizens want to participate in decision making both for themselves and their local communities and the evidence suggests that this participation produces good outcomes. Bibliography Audit Commission. (2004). Older People – Independence and Well-being – the challenge for public services. London: Audit Commission Publications Beresford, P. (2001). Service users, social policy and the future of welfare. Critical Social Policy, 21 (4): 494–512. Burton, J., Toscano, T. and Zonouzi, M. (2012) Personalisation for Social Workers. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Department of Health. (2001). National Service Framework for Older People. London: TSO Department of Health. (2006). Our Health, Our Care Our Say. London: TSO Department of Health. (2011). Caring for our future: Shared ambitions for care and support. London: TSO Leadbetter, M. (2004) Personalisation Through Participation. London: Demos Millward, L. (2005). Just because we are amateurs doesnt mean we arent professional: the importance of expert activists in tenant participation. Public Administration, 83 (3): 735–751. Needham, S. (2011). Personalising Public Services, Bristol: Policy Press McNeish, D. (1999). From rhetoric to reality: Participatory approaches to health promotion with young people. London: Health Education Authority. Mordey, M. Crutchfield, J. (2004). User involvement in supported housing. Housing, Care and Support, 7 (1): 7–10 Roberts, K. (2002). Exploring participation: older people on discharge from hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40 (4): 413–420. Roulstone, A., Hudson, V., Kearney, J., Martin, A., with Warren, J. (2006). Working Together: Carer Participation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. London: Care Institute for Excellence. SCIE (2004) SCIE Participation Strategy [online] Available: [] accessed 10th October 2014 SCIE (2012). Personalisation: A Rough Guide. [online] Available: [] accessed 10th October 2014 Willis M. and Dalziel, R. (2009) LinkAge Plus: Capacity building – enabling and empowering older people as independent and active citizens. DWP Research Report 571 [online] Available: [] accessed 9th October Wright, P., Tirner, C., Clay, D. and Mills H. (2005) The participation of children and young people in developing social care. SCIE Participation Practice Guide 06 [online] Available: [] accessed 10th October 2014
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Moral Universalism Vs Ethnocentrism Commerce Essay
Moral Universalism Vs Ethnocentrism Commerce Essay In todays scenario the manager across the globe are quite focused and clear when its comes to moral or ethical behavior because now a days there is a tremendous pressure from people, government and other concern bodies to do business ethically. Multinationals is the one who has to decide that what kind of approach they want to follow in their business process. Business ethics are the principals which are used to do business in a proper manner. This report is a critical assessment of ethical and moral challenges face by multinational companies in their overseas business operations. Moral Universalism Vs Ethnocentrism It is very difficult to defined a similar set of rules of morality and ethics for each and every country of the world because every country, every religion, every community has their own likes and dislikes, their own set of rules, preferences, understanding etc. so its become very difficult for an organization to formed a similar set of rules which can be applied in each and every country of the world. The decision to set moral values differs from place to place in which an organization is doing business. In Moral Universalism some set of ethics is accepted globally regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality. These are certain set of ethics which are globally practiced. Moral Universalism is broader approach when is come to apply ethics globally. Example: There are many examples where we see moral universalism used globally. The most common example of moral universalism is the equality in the workplace regardless of your gender. This is the most common example of moral universalism when global moral and ethics are used in every country without any hesitation. Ethnocentrism is the approach in which moral or the culture of a particular place, country or organization is judged accordingly to the standards set by a particular person, group or country. This style is very narrow in its approach and not widely accepted. Ethnocentrism mainly believed to be subtle and overt in its approach. Code of Conduct A number of organizations across the globe developed their own code of conduct when it comes to doing business overseas. Many organizations shake hands with other organizations in the world to develop a certain set of standards which can be used globally. Companies such as Avon (cosmetics), Sainsbury Plc. (a food retailer in the United Kingdom (UK)), Toys R Us (toy retailer) and Otto Versand (clothing retailer) have joined with the Council on Economic Priorities (CEP) to establish SA8000 (Social Accountability 8000, on the lines of the manufacturing quality standard ISO9000). (G.MEHALU, Kidus, 2011) Some standards which are globally accepted are as follows: Do not use child labor at work place. Dont use forced labor. Provide safe working environment. Pay at at least minimum wages to the workers. There are four major organizations which mainly decide the code of conduct for multinational across the globe: International Chamber of Commerce. Organization for Economic Cooperation development. International Labor Organization. United nation commission on transnational corporations. (G.MEHALU, Kidus, 2011) Factors affecting Moral and Ethical Behavior: Stage of moral development- There are various stages involved in the development of moral of an individual. Starting from pre conventional, then to conventional when one tries to fulfill the expectations of others, then last stage is the self chosen path. Individual characteristics- Moral and ethical behavior also differ from person to person. Its totally ones choice to decide what is right and what is wrong. Structural factors- Structure of an organization is also affecting the ethical behavior and moral values of an individual. Organizational culture- Organization working culture plays a decisive role in employees thinking. The organization laid the foundation stone in employees understanding of morality and ethical behavior. (G.MEHALU, Kidus, 2011) Case-1 NIKE Sweatshop: Nike is the world pioneer in the field of footwear and apparel manufacturing. It has the presence in over 140 countries across the globe with over 44000 workers. In the early 1990s, Nike products were being manufactured in six Indonesian factories, employing more than 25,000 workers. Four of these factories were owned by Nikes Korean suppliers. As Nikes presence in Indonesia increased, the factories supplying its products (about six million pairs of shoes per year) came under greater scrutiny. Reports by a variety of NGOs and labor activists claimed that these plants were rife with exploitation, poor working conditions, and a range of human rights and labor abuses. Many Indonesian shoe factories did not even pay the minimum daily wage (at the time, 2,100 rupiah or about US$1). They petitioned the Indonesian government for exemptions to the legal minimum wage, claiming it would cause them hardship to pay. According to official Indonesian government calculations, this minimum daily wag e only covered 70% of the basic needs of one individual let alone a family. Nikes Korean suppliers were seen as especially stingy with wages and abusive to local workers. (RICHARD M. LOCKE, Alvin J. Siteman, 2000) This case clearly shows that multinational organizations mould their rules and working style according to their preferences and according to the place where they are operating. What Nike does in Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan they cant do the same things in America or any other European countries because they have strict rules and regulation for the working environment. This a moral challenge which Nike faced during their operation in Asian countries but company decide lower their standard of operations in so called third world countries to make more profit. Nike not follow the same policy of operation which they use in America or Europe. But they decide to go another way and do which is morally and ethically wrong to make more profit margins (RICHARD M. LOCKE, Alvin J. Siteman, 2000). Case-2 Coca Cola Controversy in India Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands on the planet, and also one of the worlds largest corporations. The companys profits amounted to just under $15 billion in 2005, while its market value is calculated at over $100 billion. Worldwide, more than one billion cans or bottles of Cola-Cola are consumed every day or 12,500 every second. But in 2004 in Kerala, Coca-Colas plant was forced to close down after the village council refused to renew the companys license, on the grounds that it had over-used and contaminated local water resources. Four months earlier, the Kerala High Court had ruled that Coca-Colas heavy extraction from the common groundwater resource was illegal, and ordered it to seek alternative sources for its production. Local villagers, politicians, environmentalists and scientists heralded the closure of the Plachimada plant as a major victory, and are now attempting to have it made permanent. In addition to the depletion of the groundwater, analyses indicated that water extracted by Coca-Cola had been contaminated with potentially harmful foreign particles as it was drawn upwards through the various rock strata. The water subsequently became unfit for human consumption and even for irrigation purposes. (Coca Cola the alternative report, 2006) Coke follows a strict rules and regulations in the US and in other developed countries but in third world countries coke doesnt remain in its ethical and moral value which they follow in their home country. In India and in many Asian countries coke working policy is ethically and morally correct but they change their policies according to their need (Coca Cola the alternative report, 2006). Coke which is world most trusted brand is doing the things which are not ethically and morally correct. They must follow the same practices which follow in U.S in other developed countries. Case-3 Ethical issues of McDonalds in India The major issue was beef. Cow being sacred and worshipped, beef could not be served. Muslims did not eat pork. The challenge was to change the form of the worldwide popular Hamburger to make an entry into India. With 25-30% of the population being vegetarian and a large majority eating meat, an alternative to beef and pork was necessary. The population of a billion was undoubtedly a promising opportunity for an international company. McDonalds accepted the challenge and created the Aloo Tikki Burger known as McAloo TikkiTM especially for the Indian vegetarian customers. Aloo- Tikki was a potato patty with spices. It also made a chicken and fish option available for the non vegetarians. McDonalds even separated the non vegetarian cooking process and the vegetarian cooking process to convince the customers of the Shudh Shakahari Experience which means pure vegetarian experience. In addition, the crew cooking vegetarian food was asked to wear green aprons. McDonalds in India was one of its kinds as it did not offer beef at all. In order to convince and change the perception of the customers about the burgers they offered, McDonalds made attempts to clarify their stand about beef in India. So the world famous hamburger was without meat. This was indeed a classic case of product adaptation, to gain foothold in a new market. (KULKARNI, Dr. Smita, 2009) McDonalds faces a crucial ethical and moral challenge in India bur they accordingly and tries to follow the practices which are used in India instead of imposing their own preferences over the people. McDonalds handle this situation of cross culturalism and ethical values very smartly and not lend into any controversy as we already discussed above. Conclusion: In keeping with the examples discussed above, one can say that moral values and ethics are depends on organizations. Organizations have to decide their moral values and ethics and implement them accordingly. As in this case company working policy is debatable but you cant accuse them because they dont do it forcefully, and they also give back to the society.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ancient Egypt Essay -- Egyptian History Essays
Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt is located along the Nile River of Northeastern Africa. More specifically, it is the territory where ancients Egyptians lived in the valley of the delta and the Nile. It was a thriving civilization for more than 3,000 years, from about the time of 3300 BC to 30BC. The culture of Ancient Egypt is identified and very well known for many aspects of their ways of life. Considering the time period, they were very technologically advanced. This can especially be seen through the great pyramids and hieroglyphs that elaborately decorate the walls of them. Pyramids were not small structures. In fact the largest one was over fifty stories high. In addition they were also built completely by manual labor. Labor consisted of moving limestone blocks that weighed on average 2.5 metric tons and could weigh up to 15 metric tons. In addition they had to form these blocks, move them, and sculpt them into the great structures known as the Pyramids. As you can imagine they took several decades of day in and day out work to complete these massive structures. The hieroglyphs were also an important part of not only the Ancient Egyptian culture but the pyramids especially. They provided pictorial descriptions for burial chambers, temples, jewelry, and important statu es. Ways to decipher them were unknown until the discovery of what is known as the Rosetta Stone. It was a stone that showed the same text in three different languages. Then early in the 19th century a French scholar name Jean Francois Champollion was able to decipher it and later on aid in learning the language of the dead language of hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs are still being deciphered to this day. Ancient Egypt was able to prosper for such a long perio... ... November 2003 from Iversen, Erik. The Myth of Egypt and Its Hierolyphs In European Tradition. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univeristy Press, 1993. Minnesota State University. "Hieroglyphs." Retrieved 21 November 2003 from Park, Rosalind.The Scientific Invention of Hieroglyphs or Hurrah for Pliny! Great Britain: Azoth Publications, 1997. Silverman, David P. Language and Writing in Ancient Egypt. Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania: The Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1990. "The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt." Intercity Oz Inc. 1999. Retrieved 15 November 2003 from Winston, Alan. The Pyramids in Ancient Egypt. Retrieved 18 November 2003 from Ancient Egypt Essay -- Egyptian History Essays Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt is located along the Nile River of Northeastern Africa. More specifically, it is the territory where ancients Egyptians lived in the valley of the delta and the Nile. It was a thriving civilization for more than 3,000 years, from about the time of 3300 BC to 30BC. The culture of Ancient Egypt is identified and very well known for many aspects of their ways of life. Considering the time period, they were very technologically advanced. This can especially be seen through the great pyramids and hieroglyphs that elaborately decorate the walls of them. Pyramids were not small structures. In fact the largest one was over fifty stories high. In addition they were also built completely by manual labor. Labor consisted of moving limestone blocks that weighed on average 2.5 metric tons and could weigh up to 15 metric tons. In addition they had to form these blocks, move them, and sculpt them into the great structures known as the Pyramids. As you can imagine they took several decades of day in and day out work to complete these massive structures. The hieroglyphs were also an important part of not only the Ancient Egyptian culture but the pyramids especially. They provided pictorial descriptions for burial chambers, temples, jewelry, and important statu es. Ways to decipher them were unknown until the discovery of what is known as the Rosetta Stone. It was a stone that showed the same text in three different languages. Then early in the 19th century a French scholar name Jean Francois Champollion was able to decipher it and later on aid in learning the language of the dead language of hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs are still being deciphered to this day. Ancient Egypt was able to prosper for such a long perio... ... November 2003 from Iversen, Erik. The Myth of Egypt and Its Hierolyphs In European Tradition. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univeristy Press, 1993. Minnesota State University. "Hieroglyphs." Retrieved 21 November 2003 from Park, Rosalind.The Scientific Invention of Hieroglyphs or Hurrah for Pliny! Great Britain: Azoth Publications, 1997. Silverman, David P. Language and Writing in Ancient Egypt. Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania: The Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 1990. "The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt." Intercity Oz Inc. 1999. Retrieved 15 November 2003 from Winston, Alan. The Pyramids in Ancient Egypt. Retrieved 18 November 2003 from
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Influence of Stress on Dopamine Levels :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Influence of Stress on Dopamine Levels In the quest to survive, every living organism is equipped with the armor to withstand the impacts of stress. The African savanna leaves the zebra in an anxiety-ridden position of vulnerability to predators. Stress may can be as basic as the lack of food, habitat, or reproductive success. Humans are especially aware of the impacts of stress due to the nature of todayà ¢s contemporary lifestyle. Too many daily demands can give a person anything from insomnia to indigestion to depression. Every person is equipped to naturally deal with large amounts of stress, but when these amounts exceed what the body can handle, discomfort is considerable. Besides the qualitative approach to coping with stress, what bodily mechanisms are responsible for dealing with anxiety? The nervous system is almost solely credited with this task. The complex interaction system between billions of individual neurons facilitates large number of behaviors that result due to inputs originating inside and outside the organism. Spaces between neighboring neurons are called synapses, and one way in which they communicate is by sending chemical signals called neurotransmitters across the presynaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane. Years of nervous system research have determined that stress activates the neurotransmitter, dopamine. The functions of dopamine are numerous, but in general it inhibits transmission of nerve impulses. This transmitter is found throughout the body, though mainly housed in the brainà ¢s interior basil ganglia, in the frontal lobe of the information-processing center of the brain, or in the limbic system (1). Many chronic diseases result from the overproduction or underproduction of dopamine. The dopamineà ¢s inability to move into the frontal lobe of the brain results in the inability to control fine motor movement and is familiarly called Parkinson Disease(1) . If the flow of dopamine throughout the nervous system is not allowed to circulate as usual, then schizophrenia follows (1). Now that the extreme abnormalities of dopamine have been discussed, letà ¢s look at how dopamine affects the average person who is subjected to a stressful environment. One study maintains that the chewing behavior of mice is a response to stress, and therefore it serves as a coping device. The body responds to stress by the activation of the cerebral dopaminergic (DA) system. The study shows that when given the option of chewing, the activation of mouse DA system is drawn out (2) In other words, when allowed to chew, a mouseà ¢s body will have prolonged the presence of stress-managers; this coping mechanism reduces the impact of the stress.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
I Am the Grass Essay Essay
Am the Grass is a short story written by Daly Walker, who has also written other short stories for The Sewanee Review and The Sycamore Review. Born in Winchester, Indiana in 1924, Daly Walker is a surgeon by trade and started to write after he was forty. Daly also served in the Vietnam War from 1967-1968, it serves as an inspiration for I Am the Grass. The story details a mans struggle of life after the war in Vietnam, and returning to Vietnam. This includes painful psychological trauma, the feeling of guilt for his actions, and finally his attempt to redeem himself in his own eyes. At the start of the story we read about assorted atrocities committed during the Vietnam War by a nameless man, who is the main character. They include raping a thirteen-year old girl, decapitating a man with a machete, and throwing defenseless prisoners off of a helicopter. Along with the atrocities, the reader sees a battered past and something that haunts the main character . The story also goes on to explain how after the war, the main character goes on to medical school where he becomes a successful plastic surgeon. The main character also describes the fear that comes back to him when anti-war protestors blow up a classroom while he’s asleep. It takes him back to the attacks done on his base while he was in Vietnam, he goes on to explain that even though the he has left the war, â€Å"the war has followed him home†(316). The main character shows how he tries to redeem himself for the bad he has done. This includes going to impoverished countries to repair deformities on people who can’t afford plastic surgery. He explains â€Å"how it makes me feel like a decent man, a healer†(317). This shows how it feels good for him to heal people as opposed to feeling good killing them when he was younger. After the minor back-story and introduction to his past and inner-demons, the main character is on a plane headed to Vietnam. Ironically, this time to help the people he once did horrible things to. He is taken around the countryside, where he recognizes many of the nicknames of the roads soldiers gave. Then he is introduced to another surgeon, one who he would have originally called an enemy, to take him to those in need of the surgery. In nother twist of irony, the Vietnamese â€Å"surgeon†is missing his thumbs. This prevents him from performing surgery unlike the main character. They both talk about fighting each other in the war and then go forth to perform the surgeries on the people who needed them. As the story continues, the narrator, has been successful in 18 surgeries and feels good. Until he has to â€Å"make a difficult decision†(320) when the thumbless Vietnamese surgeon asks him to perform a â€Å"difficult surgery†(321) on him. A surgery where the big toe of the foot is transplanted to where the thumb once was. Despite the risk and lack of any more advanced medical tools, the narrator decides to go forward with it. This shows that the narrator is willing to do an extremely difficult surgery without the proper tools, so that perhaps he may find some peace in himself. Yet the dreams of the man he decapitated still haunt him, even on the eve of the big surgery. While he prepares himself, the narrator explains the feeling as â€Å"a sense of power that has been in no other place but surgery, except when my finger was on the trigger of an M60†(324). He starts and is meticulous in using the primitive medical instruments provided to him. He feels as if he has done a good job and even forms a steady friendship with the Vietnamese surgeon. However, the day he has to leave, it goes south. The main character goes to unwrap the bandages and finds that the transplant has failed, as the implanted big toe has rotted. Furious at himself, he removes it before he leaves. In an attempt to make himself feel better, it is shown how the main character hopes to see the thumbless surgeon at the airport. Perhaps saying bye to him and thanking him for his efforts. However there is no one there, on the flight home though, he realizes that the risk involved with Vietnam made him feel like a part of the country. He comes to see that he embraces the risk and everything that comes with it. I Am the Grass is presented as a story that is simple to understand, but also has an emotional effect. Walker gives us a character with a detailed past, a very good storyline, and the setting and theme of redemption which is present throughout the whole story. The theme of redemption is supported throughout the story. The main character tries to redeem himself in his own yes by doing surgeries for free in impoverished nations. Also, when he takes on the risky task of the toe transplant. It leaves the reader wondering, what if it would have worked? Would he have calmed his conscience of reminding him about the past atrocities he committed? The story, which begins by describing very graphic atrocities, turns into a story of more peace than war. One where the narrator has lost himself in the scourge of war, but is trying to find himself by using his talents for good. Trying to find inner-peace from his personal demons. It comes together near the end of the story. When he finds out the transplant didn’t work and he wants to leave immediately. But contrary to his expected reaction, the Vietnamese surgeon calmly tells him to remove it, which the main character does. In a way he faced his own inner demons despite the disappointment. Walker’s decision to make the setting a run down dirty hospital isn’t one that a lot of people can relate to. However, the message of redemption is one that a lot of people can. The conflict he delivers is one that is present in others, just not in the form of war crimes and surgeries. That’s something that a lot can relate to. In this story, Walker has shown a veteran who is haunted by his past and tries to redeem himself. It delivers a powerful message on how the road to the inner-peace of a person is faced with many challenges and setbacks. Ironically, amidst the moment of disappointment, the character realizes that he has come to accept the risks he took in life, along with the consequences. There he finds at that moment of redemption that he had long been looking for.
Aaron Beam and the HealthSouth Fraud
In terms of Kohlberg’s views on moral development, Aaron Beam would be at Level Two Conventional Stage Three. Interpersonal Concordance Orientation. Aaron Beam knew that his actions were indeed wrong and he could no longer carry on, therefore, he retired and paid a price for his wrong actions. He now lives off of what he works for. In terms of Kohlberg’s views on moral development, Richard Scrushy would be at the Level One: Pre-conventional Stage One: Punishment and Obedience Orientation.Scrushy in his own selfish reasons and believed that he did no wrong in doing what he did within his company. Scrushy also paid his dues and went to prison. Aaron Beam was morally responsible for engaging in â€Å"aggressive accounting†methods he used because from the very beginning when Scrushy told Beam to fake their financial reports, Beam knew that it was wrong, yet he continued to do it. Beam later on went against his morals and continued to commit fraud until he finally re tired.Aaron Beam’s responsibility was not mitigated in anyway. Even though Beam was â€Å"convinced†by Scrushy and his own thoughts, he was still responsible for his own actions of â€Å"aggressive accounting†. Aaron Beam was not morally responsible for changing the clinic reports to increase the company’s earnings. His responsibility was mitigated due to the fact that he as well as others was included in reporting false records.The people whom were cooperated in his actions are morally responsible for their actions. Their responsibilities were also mitigated because they all knew that they were committing fraudulent and continued to do so even after Beam has retired. Richard Scrushy was morally responsible for accounting fraud because even though he did not work under the financial department, he knew what the consequences in the frauds would be. He convinced Beam to so anyways.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The History of Schizophrenia
The History of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a severe psychiatric disorder with symptoms of emotional instability, detachment from reality, and withdrawal into the self. The word â€Å"Schizophrenia†is less than 100 years old. However the disease was first identified as a discrete mental illness by Dr. Emile Kraepelin in the 1887 and the illness itself is generally believed to have accompanied mankind throughout its history. There are documents that identify Schizophrenia can be traced to the old Pharaonic Egypt, as far back as the second millennium before Christ. Depression, dementia, as well as thought disturbances that are typical in schizophrenia are described in detail in the Book of Hearts. The Heart and the mind seem to have been synonymous in ancient Egypt. The physical illnesses were regarded as symptoms of the heart and the uterus and originating from the blood vessels or from purulence, fecal matter, a poison or demons. Some recent study into the ancient Greek and Roman literature showed that although the general population probably had an awareness of psychotic disorders, there was no condition that would meet the modern diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia in these societies. At one point in history, all people who were considered â€Å"abnormal,†whether due to mental illness, mental retardation, or physical deformities, were largely treated the same. Early theories supposed that mental disorders were caused by evil possession of the body, and the appropriate treatment was then exorcising these demons, through various means, ranging from innocuous treatments, such as exposing the patient to certain types of music, to dangerous and sometimes deadly means, such as releasing the evil spirits by drilling holes in the patient's skull. One of the first to classify the mental disorders into different categories was the German physician, Dr. Emile Kraepelin. He used the term â€Å"dementia praecox†for individuals who had symptoms that we now associate with schizophrenia. The nonspecific concept of madness has been around for many thousands of years and schizophrenia was only classified as a distinct mental disorder by Kraepelin in 1887. He was the first to make a distinction in the psychotic disorders between what he called dementia praecox and manic depression. Kraepelin believed that dementia praecox was primarily a disease of the brain, and particularly a form of dementia. Kraepelin named the disorder ‘dementia praecox' (early dementia) to distinguish it from other forms of dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease) which typically occur late in life. He used this term because his studies focused on young adults with dementia. The Swiss psychiatrist, Eugen Bleuler, coined the term, â€Å"schizophrenia†in 1911. He was also the first to describe the symptoms as â€Å"positive†or â€Å"negative. †Bleuler changed the name to schizophrenia as it was obvious that Krapelin's name was misleading as the illness was not a dementia (it did not always lead to mental deterioration) and could sometimes occur late as well as early in life. The word â€Å"schizophrenia†comes from the Greek roots schizo (split) and phrene (mind) to describe the fragmented thinking of people with the disorder. His term was not meant to convey the idea of split or multiple personality, a common misunderstanding by the public at large. Since Bleuler's time, the definition of schizophrenia has continued to change, as scientists attempt to more accurately delineate the different types of mental diseases. Without knowing the exact causes of these diseases, scientists can only base their classifications on the observation that some symptoms tend to occur together. Both Bleuler and Kraepelin subdivided schizophrenia into categories, based on prominent symptoms and prognoses. Over the years, those working in this field have continued to attempt to classify types of schizophrenia. Five types were delineated in the DSM-III: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated. The first three categories were originally proposed by Kraepelin. These classifications, while still employed in DSM-IV, have not shown to be helpful in predicting outcome of the disorder, and the types are not reliably diagnosed. Many researchers are using other systems to classify types of the disorder, based on the preponderance of â€Å"positive†verses â€Å"negative†symptoms, the progression of the disorder in terms of type and severity of symptoms over time, and the co-occurrence of other mental disorders and syndromes. It is hoped that differentiating types of schizophrenia based on clinical symptoms will help to determine different etiologies or causes of the disorder. The evidence that schizophrenia is a biologically-based disease of the brain has accumulated rapidly during the past two decades. Recently this evidence has been also been supported with dynamic brain imaging systems that show very precisely the wave of tissue destruction that takes place in the brain that is suffering from schizophrenia. The 1800's saw a slow progression towards an eventual schizophrenia definition. From the 1800's on, schizophrenia history begins to gain ground as researchers began to understand the nature of the disease: Although the nineteenth century saw great strides towards a schizophrenic definition, â€Å"lunatic asylums†of the time were often little more than human zoos. For a fee, well to do ladies and gentlemen could tour the asylums, viewing the patients. No doubt the psychotic behavior of schizophrenics made them popular â€Å"attractions†during these degrading tours. Schizophrenia in Recent Times The start of the twentieth century saw, for the first time in schizophrenia history, a practical schizophrenia definition and the birth of effective treatments. In 1911 Eugene Beuler first used the term schizophrenia, and his schizophrenia definition includes symptoms such as blunted emotions, disordered thoughts, and loss of awareness. Then in 1957, Kurt Schneider created the schizophrenic definition still in use today, and is the first person in the long history of schizophrenia to list the currently accepted features of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia definitely has a very significant genetic component. Those who have a third degree relative with schizophrenia are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those in the general population. Those with a second degree relative have a several-fold higher incidence of schizophrenia than the general population, and first degree relatives have an incidence of schizophrenia an order of magnitude higher than the general populace. The History of Schizophrenia Treatment in the Twentieth Century Schizophrenia history abounds in unusual treatments and bizarre â€Å"cures. †Indeed, the twentieth century stands apart from the rest of schizophrenia history because it saw the first effective schizophrenia treatment: the first antipsychotic drug was created in 1952. The twentieth century also saw some controversial schizophrenia â€Å"cures. †Portuguese doctor, Egus Moniz, developed the lobotomy in the 1930s. Moniz won a Nobel Peace prize for his work in 1949. The lobotomy procedure cut the nerve fibers from the frontal lobe to the interior of the brain, where emotions are generated. Patients were less agitated and aggressive after a lobotomy. Of course, patients were also left indifferent and with blunted emotions, but this didn't squelch the lobotomy's popularity as a schizophrenia treatment. Patients could be released from hospitals after lobotomies, saving both hospitals and family members money. Lobotomy procedures varied. American neurologist John Freeman created perhaps the most bizarre procedure. Freeman traveled America performing lobotomies for the benefit of audiences comprised of journalists and medical professionals: to call him a medical showman isn't stretching the truth much. Freeman's lobotomies were simple, quick, and medically preposterous. With the patient under anesthesia, Freeman placed an ice pick (yes, you read that correctly) into an area just above the eyeball. Using a hammer, he drove the ice pick into the patient's brain to a depth of approximately one inch. Lobotomies fell into disfavor as people noticed patients often died from lobotomy-induced epilepsy or surgical infections. Severe brain damage was also shown in many cases (not that it should have required a study to prove an ice pick to the brain caused extensive damage). Still, between the 1940s and the 1950s over 40,000 Americans were lobotomized. Shock therapy was developed at the same time lobotomies were darkening schizophrenia history. Approaches to shock therapy varied. Some doctors used insulin injections; others preferred Metrazol or electricity. Insulin often left patients in comas. Both Metrazol and electricity caused seizures, and electric shock therapy often caused memory loss. Surprisingly, electroconvulsive therapy is still used to treat some cases of schizophrenia and severe depression. Current techniques are supposed to be much safer, but many medical professionals consider electroconvulsive therapy very dangerous, and something that should only be used as a last resort. Since schizophrenia may not be a single condition and its causes are not yet known, current treatment methods are based on both clinical research and experience. These approaches are chosen on the basis of their ability to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia and to lessen the chances that symptoms will return. Medications For Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic medications have been available since the mid-1950s. They have greatly improved the outlook for individual patients. These medications reduce the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia and usually allow the patient to function more effectively and appropriately. Antipsychotic drugs are the best treatment now available, but they do not â€Å"cure†schizophrenia or ensure that there will be no further psychotic episodes. The choice and dosage of medication can be made only by a qualified physician who is well trained in the medical treatment of mental disorders. The dosage of medication is individualized for each patient, since people may vary a great deal in the amount of drug needed to reduce symptoms without producing troublesome side effects. The large majority of people with schizophrenia show substantial improvement when treated with antipsychotic drugs. Some patients, however, are not helped very much by the medications and a few do not seem to need them. No frames is difficult to predict which patients will fall into these two groups and to distinguish them from the large majority of patients who do benefit from treatment with antipsychotic drugs. A number of new ntipsychotic drugs (the so-called â€Å"atypical antipsychotics†) have been introduced since 1990. The first of these, clozapine (Clozaril), has been shown to be more effective than other antipsychotics, although the possibility of severe side effects – in particular, a condition called agranulocytosis (loss of the white blood cells that fight infection) â€⠀ requires that patients be monitored with blood tests every one or two weeks. Even newer antipsychotic drugs, such as risperidone (Risperdal) and olanzapine (Zyprexa), are safer than the older drugs or clozapine, and they also may be better tolerated. They may or may not treat the illness as well as clozapine, however. Several additional antipsychotics are currently under development. Antipsychotic drugs are often very effective in treating certain symptoms of schizophrenia, particularly hallucinations and delusions; unfortunately, the drugs may not be as helpful with other symptoms, such as reduced motivation and emotional expressiveness. Indeed, the older antipsychotics (which also went by the name of â€Å"neuroleptics†), medicines like haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (Thorazine), may even produce side effects that resemble the more difficult to treat symptoms. Often, lowering the dose or switching to a different medicine may reduce these side effects; the newer medicines, including olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal), appear less likely to have this problem. Patients and families sometimes become worried about the antipsychotic medications used to treat schizophrenia. In addition to concern about side effects, they may worry that such drugs could lead to addiction. However, antipsychotic medications do not produce a â€Å"high†(euphoria) or addictive behavior in people who take them. Another misconception about antipsychotic drugs is that they act as a kind of mind control, or a â€Å"chemical straitjacket. †Antipsychotic drugs used at the proper dosage does not â€Å"knock out†people or take away their free will. While these medications can be sedating, and while this effect can be useful when treatment is initiated particularly if an individual is quite agitated, the utility of the drugs is not due to sedation but to their ability to diminish the hallucinations, agitation, confusion, and delusions of a psychotic episode. Thus, antipsychotic medications should eventually help an individual with schizophrenia to deal with the world more rationally. Treatment of schizophrenia depends upon a life-long regimen of both drug and psychosocial, support therapies. While the medication helps control the psychosis associated with schizophrenia (e. g. , the delusions and hallucinations), it cannot help the person find a job, learn to be effective in social relationships, increase the individual's coping skills, and help them learn to communicate and work well with others. Poverty, homelessness, and unemployment are often associated with this disorder, but they don't have to be. If the individual finds appropriate treatment and sticks with it, a person with schizophrenia can lead a happy and successful life. But the initial recovery from the first symptoms of schizophrenia can be an extremely lonely experience. Individuals coping with the onset of schizophrenia for the first time in their lives require all the support that their families, friends, and communities can provide. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1
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