Friday, December 27, 2019
Leadership Styles Behaviors - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 760 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Behavior Essay Did you like this example? Completing a project successfully is the main goal and duty of a leader or a project manager. And it can be extremely stressful while taking the right decisions for achieving the same. The leader should be able to adapt to any style for achieving the best and making his team work happily on every ground. The leader should always have a clear vision and should be able to motivate others. An inspiring leader can make any detached worker to be enthusiastic. He should be the problem solver of the team and an excellent decision maker. Decision making is very crucial when it comes to the leader. The Leader can have his own style of managing his team, which can be natural or adapted. It isnt mandatory that the leader should possess a certain type of style but can be a blend of many styles which would lead to the successful completion of the project. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Leadership Styles Behaviors" essay for you Create order We know, according to DSCS, the major leadership styles are DIRECT, SPIRITED. CONSIDERATE, AND SYSTEMATIC. And the leader has to go through various situations where he should be able to adapt to each style whereever necessary for the victorious ending of the project. The leader should really be good at establishing a great vision and outlining an appealing picture of where we are heading to, which is one of the main traits of a Dominant leader. Mean while, a motivating leader can only lead the members effectively towards that set goal and thats what we call Spirited Leader or Inspirational Leader. And then the leader should act as a Coach and help people to find their own solutions to problems, may be by listening or by asking. Also can look for suggestions that could find the missing element of the project success by discussing with the group members, usually following the Considerate leadership style. And it is very important that the management should be Systematic and planning, though in between you can communicate well and take suggestions from the team members. So in total, all the styles are needed at some point of management. There are many key style and presence issues a Program Manager should consider when he/she wishes to function as an optimum leader. VISION: The foremost quality a Project manager should possess is to have a great Vision and to try hard to reach that successfully. DECISION MAKING: A great leader has the capability of making the right choice and to take the appropriate decision. He knows to assign the tasks properly among the members. Always right decisions lead to the success of the project. COMMUNICATION: The leader who maintains good communication skills would be able to clearly articulate his vision, instructions and expectations to others. He should always be willing to interact and listen to his team mates and take feedbacks which would enable him to work in all environments. ADAPTABLE: The best leader has the ability to adjust and adapt to every working environment. Every time it isnt mandatory, that we get the best team members. But a leader becomes a great leader when he is able to mold the team in the right way. KNOWLEDGE: The leader should be qualified enough to guide his members with enough knowledge. The team should always feel confident about their manager who would be in charge of them. ATTITUDE: An optimal leader will always have a positive attitude through out his journey. Only happy people can make others happy. INTEGRITY: The leader should be able to gain the trust of the members and have to maintain it. PROBLEM SOLVING: The project manager should be capable of making right solutions at the right time. Only an optimum leader would be able to figure out the quick fix for any obstacle that come along the way. And never panic at any time when faced with a hurdle, which can lead to the failure of the leader. MOTIVATION: The leader should always be self motivated and should be ready to motivate his team members as well. Only through continuous inspiration, he can build a great team that would work diligently. So, as a bottom line, we could say that the leadership styles have to be used accordingly at various situations. It can be either self developed or learned through experiences. A leader can be a mix-up of all the styles. At the end, all that matters is the successful completion of the project. The leader can hence be consistent with successful project management. BIBLIOGRAPHY HBRS 10 must reads on Leadership
Thursday, December 19, 2019
INFLUENZA Essay examples - 1179 Words
Influenza, also known as â€Å"the flu,†is a virus that infects the respiratory tract. Although Influenza is not as severe as many viral infections its almost the worst for viral infections of the respiratory tract. Typically, when someone is infected with influenza they experience fever (usually 100 ° to 103 °F in adults, but even higher in children) and causes a cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and also headaches, muscle aches, and usually extreme tiredness. There are sometimes other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea but usually only in rare cases with young children. One other note: The term â€Å"Stomach flu†isn’t really caused by the influenza virus. The average recovery time from the flu is about 1-2 weeks, although†¦show more content†¦Although Type A viruses undergo both types of changes, Type B only go through the more gradual Type B. Antigenic shift occurs only occasionally, but when it does large numbers of people or even entire populations have no antibody against the virus. Although this is potentially lethal, the virus can only start a pandemic if it is able to be spread easily. Throughout the 20th century there were three pandemics, one in 1918, one in 1957, and one in 1968. Each of which resulted in large numbers of deaths. The 1918 pandemic was known as the â€Å"Spanish Flu†and was Influenza strain A(H1N1) and it caused the highest known influenza death rate known, 500,000 Americans and 20 million people worldwide. The 1957 pandemic was known as the â€Å"Asian Flu†and was Influenza strain A(H2N2) and caused 70,000 U.S. deaths. The 1968 Pandemic was known as the â€Å"Hong Kong Flu†and was Influenza strain A(H3N2) and caused 34,000 deaths in the U.S. The emergence of the â€Å"Hong Kong Flu†in 1968-1969 marked the beginning of the A(H3N2) days. When this virus first emerged it had the lowest mortality rate in the 20th century. Although this virus first emerged with such a small death rate, it still continues to kill people to this day. Just as when the A(H2N2) virus appeared in 1957 causing the disappearance of the A(H1N1) virus, the appearance of the A(H2N3) virus caused the disappearance of the A(H2N2) virus. After being dormant for almost 30 years, the A(H1N1) virus reappeared and todayShow MoreRelatedInfluenza As An Influenza Virus1426 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION: Influenza, more commonly known as the ‘flu’, is a chameleon like infectious disease, that presents itself with varying characteristics from year to year, due to the wavering identity of the strain. â€Å"Like HIV, influenza is an RNA virus, constantly changing its appearance and adept at eluding recognition by the human immune system†(Schneider, 2014). From its inception of 1918, influenza claims an average of 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide, annually. Little is known of the virus’sRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Influenza And Influenza1412 Words  | 6 Pagessecond to a variety of reasons, some that could be prevented others where that is not the case. However, experts agree that influenza and influenza related deaths could be significantly prevented if people took the influenza vaccine annually. The influenza virus is a deadly virus that has been killing people since the 1900s; in 1918 the first recorded epidemic of a strain of influenza known as th e Spanish flu killed approximately 50 million people (Pandemic Flu History). Because people did not know whatRead More INFLUENZA Essay1582 Words  | 7 PagesINFLUENZA Introduction One can claim that influenza is an infection that has victimized people from just about every generation that we have known. The term Influenza comes from the Latin word influentia, first used by the Italians in the 1600s. It is a highly contagious infection particulary of the respiratory tract.In addition to us humans, influenza can occur in pigs, horses, and several other mammals as well as in certain wild and birds. It can also jump from specie to specie as observedRead More INFLUENZA Essay924 Words  | 4 Pages INFLUENZA nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A virus called an Orthomyxovirus causes influenza. Often called flu, sometimes-even grippe. It is a very contagious disease, and it infects many parts of our bodies. This also includes are lungs. A person can get influenza if someone coughs, sneezes, or even talks around you while they are infected. Influenza is sometimes considered serious in some cases but can be prevented and treated. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; When you get the â€Å"flu†in the lungsRead MoreAvian Influenza ( Influenza )2106 Words  | 9 PagesAvian Influenza (H5N1) In this task, the investigation will be done is about the emerging infectious disease and the name of disease will be researched is avian influenza. Avian Influenza is also known as bird flu, is a type A influenza virus. It is lethal to poultry and is potentially fatal in humans. Avian Influenza is defined as emerging infectious disease (Bird flu (avian influenza), 2012). Water birds such as wild ducks are believed to be the carriers of all avian influenza type A virusesRead MoreThe Great Influenza1092 Words  | 4 PagesTHE GREAT INFLUENZA The book The Great Influenza by John Barry takes us back to arguably one of the greatest medical disasters in human history, the book focuses on the influenza pandemic which took place in the year 1918. The world was at war in the First World War and with everyone preoccupied with happenings in Europe and winning the war, the influenza pandemic struck when the human race was least ready and most distracted by happenings all over the world. In total the influenza pandemic killedRead MoreEssay on Influenza568 Words  | 2 PagesInfluenza Essay Influenza is a disease also known as ‘the flu’ which is most common in the U.S. Influenza is caused by a contagious virus that is spread by fluids of coughing, sneezing and direct eye contact from surfaces where serious infection and death occur around the world mostly in winter. Someone who gets the disease, inhale the virus or touch the germs from objects including computer keyboards and telephones and then touching their mouths and nose. Influenza viruses spread from person toRead More Influenza Essay example617 Words  | 3 Pages Influenza nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Influenza, normally called â€Å"the flu†, the influenza virus causes an infection in the respiration tract. Even though the influenza virus can sometimes be compared with the common cold. It also can cause a more severe illness or death. During this past century, pandemics took place in 1918, 1957, and 1968, in all of these cases there where unfortunately many deaths. The â€Å"Spanish flu†in 1918, killedRead MoreInfluenza A H1N1 Virus1818 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction In 1918-19 approximately 50 million deaths were a detriment of the Spanish H1N1 virus pandemic; a respiratory virus. According to the World Health Organization, the second Influenza A H1N1 pandemic in 2009 spread to more than 200 countries causing more than 18 000 deaths. Before the World Health Organization had announced the official end of the pandemic in August 2010, in July 2009 the World Health Organization sent out a phase 6 warning that H1N1 could soon be a global pandemic.Read MoreThe Pandemic Of Influenza And Vaccination2024 Words  | 9 PagesINTRODUCTION Every year, millions of people start talking about the influenza virus and getting their vaccines as the flu season approaches, which starts around the October-November period and reaches its peak between December and March. Therefore, public health officials around the world- and in the U.S in particular- are constantly challenged by properly preparing for the annual influenza dilemma, given that this viruses, and other respiratory viruses, are a serious health threat to the U.S population
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Defense Mechanisms Essay Example For Students
Defense Mechanisms Essay Defense MechanismsSometimes in dealing with anxiety and conflict, a level of the brainalso deals with memories. This level is called the unconscious level. Behaviorthat involves self-deception is a mental defense called defense mechanisms. Some of these defences can be valuable devices. When someone replaces aseemingly impossible goal with a possible one, compensation has beenn used. Redirecting aggresion from hostility to a drive to be sucessful is helpful. This defence is sublimation. While fantasy is a form of escape, it is also away to work out imaginary solutions to conflicts. Some of these defences can be harmful to you as well as others. When aperson lashes out at another person for no reason, it may be the results ofsomething that happeneded earlier that day. The person who was lashed out at isthe victim of displaced agression. When these defence mechanisms are taken toextremes and used over a long period of time these defences can be harmful.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Low Carbohydrate Diets VS Low Fat Diets free essay sample
Concerning weight loss, there are countless varieties of diets, swearing to be the most effective, innovative, easiest, and fastest, leaving us confused; running down a path of failure to loosing the weight permanently. Unfortunately, loosing weight is a challenge, but the opportunity of success is much closer than you think. No matter what type of diet you are on, it is important to know that diets usually make you go on a program that is either low carbohydrate or low fat. Following the specific rules of a low carbohydrate diet or a low fat diet will allow you to lose an effective amount of weight. The first step to losing the weight is writing down everything you eat and keeping track of the calories you are taking in. Keeping in mind that consuming more calories than you burn will result in weight gain, and vise versa. Foods that contain carbohydrates are: bread, rice, wheat, flour, biscuits, pasta and anything that contains â€Å"SUGAR†. We will write a custom essay sample on Low Carbohydrate Diets VS Low Fat Diets or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foods that contain fats are: meat, fish, chicken skin, milk, nuts, cheese, mayonnaise, pork, and anything that is dense (containing Vitamin A, D, E, and K). Unfortunately, to many people have the misconception of the good and the bad of fat and carbohydrates. In attribute to your health and wellness, it is a concern that both elements, fats and carbohydrates, are extremely vital for your body. There are the â€Å"bad fats†called trans fat, and, â€Å"bad carbs†which come from sodas, sugar, processed and refined foods. A low fat diet is a diet that holds a minimum of fat, supremely cholesterol and saturated fat, which accelerates chances of raising blood cholesterol levels and having a heart attack. Conversely, a low carbohydrate diet is a program that restricts all carbohydrate consumption, and replaces it with higher percentage of fats and lean protein containing Omega 3, which are essential for the heart and immune system. A low carbohydrate is often used to combat obesity. More than half of the US Population is overweight and obese. Unfortunately, the pros and cons of a low carbohydrate and a low fat diet are inevitable. Not all diets works for everyone, since we all have our own body composition and react to foods a certain way. As a result, in order to help you find what is best for your body, here is what you should know about low fat and low carbs diet: A low fat diet has a hidden ability of cutting down calories in pursuance of better managing your weight. Considering fat serves up more than double the amount per gram (9 calories) as oppose to protein and carbohydrates (4 calories per each gram), subsequently, it will implement further caloric burning for your efforts. The best way to eat a low fat diet is by consuming as much fruits and vegetables as possible. Low fat diets may too reduce your risk of having heart disease and decrease cholesterol majorly. For the cons of this diet, reducing saturated fats too dramatically can also can be unhealthy, and cause lack of dietary nutrients, essentially: Vitamin B, Zinc, and needful fatty acids that your body requires. Furthermore, an overweight person following a diet that is low in fat and high in carbohydrate is capable of increasing fat in the blood, resulting in a decrease of the â€Å"good†HDL cholesterol. Accompanying with the low carbohydrate diet, this dietary plan focuses on the diminishing carbs while increasing fats and proteins. The positive side of a low carbohydrate diet is most notably how it lowers blood pressure and increases fat loss. However, it may also burn muscle tissue and have a deficiency in important nutrients and constitutive fiber the body craves. Respectively, low fat and low carb diets will make you loose weight, but because of the consequences, neither diet should be used long-term. As tough as it may sound, losing weight effectively comes with an exercise regimen. It is essential for your body to burn off calories and fat through sweat. Sweat plays a critical role in releasing all the toxins and extra water weight out of your body. Therefore, exercising in accompany with your diet will significantly boost your metabolism, shape your body, burn extra fat, increase energy levels, focus, and accentuate greatly your health and wellness. Fun ways to exercise is participating in gym classes, dancing, and playing sports such as tennis, swimming, football, and anything that may appeal to make you enjoy yourself. The principal key of going on a diet is not thinking about experiencing a diet, but instead, introducing your mind to new things, staying out of the kitchen and keeping yourself busy throughout the day. Using meditation and yoga will also help train your brain to relax, relieve any type of stress, forget about all the problems, and just focus on the present. Having a cheat day is considered unquestionably normal when on a diet. Allowing yourself to eat anything you want is surprisingly beneficial for weight loss because it makes you feel contempt and rewarded of all the hard work you’ve already done. A tip for cheat days Is consuming the food as early in the day as possible that way it leaves your body more time to digest it. Keep in mind: don’t consume anything 3 to 4 hours before going to sleep, and any sugar consumed after 5:30 pm will result as fat storing in the body. Assuredly, following a low carbohydrate or a low fat diet will make you lose weight in a short amount of time while keeping the causes and effects in mind. It is a diet specified for quick and effective weight loss, not meant to be long-term. Not to forget creating an agenda of your food consumption daily, allowing a cheat day, and incorporating an exercise and mediation regimen. Considering both diets and knowing what type of food you prefer, you’ll eventually know what is more adapted for you.
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