Monday, May 25, 2020
The Great Debate On Doctor Assisted Suicide Essay
The Great Debate on Doctor Assisted Suicide Euthanasia, in today’s world, is a word with opposing meanings. Originally, it meant â€Å"a good death†(Leming Dickinson, 2016). Since the legalization of euthanasia around the world in the early 1990’s, the meaning has changed. Several pro-euthanasia sites would call it a humane and peaceful way to end the dying process, by either stopping the course of treatment or the use of lethal doses of medications (Leming Dickinson, 2016). Con-euthanasia activists are most concerned about the slippery slope idea, being euthanasia is only a half-way house to legalizing murder (Should Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal? - Euthanasia -, 2016). When discussing a topic so sensitive as death, an invisible line appears between a right way and a wrong way to die. By the end of this paper, the hope is to have an educated discussion regarding some social and political inquiries surrounding euthanasia and doct or assisted suicide. Over the last couple of decades, 4 states in the U.S. have voted in favor of the legalization of physician assisted suicide; California, Vermont, Oregon, and Washington (Should Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal? - Euthanasia -, 2016). The state of Montana has physician-assisted suicide, but only through a court hearing (Should Euthanasia or Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal? - Euthanasia -, 2016). Given the idea of autonomy, people feel that they have theShow MoreRelatedIs Doctor Assisted Suicide Ethical?1363 Words  | 6 Pages Is Doctor-Assisted Suicide Ethical? â€Å"Doctor-assisted suicide is the act of a physician facilitating the death of patient by providing the means or information to enable a patient to perform a life-ending act†(American Medical Association). When thinking of assisted suicide the first thing that comes to mind is whether it’s ethical for a doctor to assist in the suicide of a patient. There are many arguments both for and against the actRead More Physician-Assisted Suicide is Morally and Ethically Acceptable1160 Words  | 5 Pages    The long time debate over medically assisted suicide, the presence of a doctor at a patient’s suicide, resurfaced again with the conviction of doctor Jack Kevorkian. Kevorkian was convicted of second degree murder when he euthanized, or administered the injection himself, Thomas Youk on September 17, 1998. Dr. Kevorkian, an advocate and practitioner of medically assisted suicides, has many opponents on the issue. Opponents say that it is unethical and even with the consent of the patientRead MoreEssay on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia911 Words  | 4 PagesAssisted suicide brings a debate that involves professional, legal and ethical issues about the value of the liberty versus the value of life. However, before conceive an opinion about this topic is necessary know deeply its concept. Assisted suicide is known as the act of ending with the life of a terminal illness patients for end with their insupportable pain. Unlike euthanasia, the decision is not made by the doctor and their families, but by the patient. Therefore, doctors should be able to assistRead MoreNew Client. Professor__. English___. 2/28/17. The Implications1182 Words  | 5 Pagesvia euthanasia it becomes an extensively debate regarding the rights of an individual to make that choice. The article â€Å"A Doctor-Assisted Disaster for Medicine†loosely examines the negative implications of assisted suicide laws on patients. Toffler’s article sheds light upon how the law has changed the relationship between patients and their medical provider. Toffler suggests that many individuals are forcefully driven to pursue physician assisted suicide as treatment. In result, many mentally illRead MoreVoluntary Euthanasia and Dr. Kevorkian1251 Words  | 6 PagesAssisted Suicide Euthanasia, possibly one of the most controversial topics in today’s society. A word that derives from the Greek language meaning, â€Å"good death†. Euthanasia is a term that refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. Dr. Jack Kevorkian once stated, â€Å"In quixotically trying to conquer death doctors all too frequently do no good for their patients’ â€Å"ease†but at the same time they do harm instead by prolonging and even magnifying patients’Read MoreSince The Fifteen Century, Society Has Viewed Suicide Or1178 Words  | 5 PagesSince the fifteen century, society has viewed suicide or intentional death as immoral. It was not until the twentieth century that these â€Å"immoral†attitudes were challenged. As of 2016, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Colombia have unambiguously legalized direct assisted dying. Other areas, having to undergo a process of either a judicial or legislative decision, include Canada, Japan, and Germany. Currently in the United States, following the same process of a judicial or legislative processesRead MoreThe Thoughts Of Assisted Suicide1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe thoughts of assisted suicide are very mixed. Some people believe that it is a great way to put terminally-ill patients out of the their pain and suffering. They see it as a way for a person to die with dignity after suffering from a painful disease. Others think it is beyond morally wrong for a doctor to intentionally end a patient’s life. They feel that a doctor should not have unnecessary deaths riding, on their shoulders the rest of their career. Assisted suicide goes way beyond the beliefsRead MoreA Research Study On Physician Assisted Suicide925 Words  | 4 PagesLiving Proof, Miss Evers Boys, and You Don’t Know Jack are all movies based off of true events. These three movies all faced ethical and unethical events. Living Proof has to d o with a compassionate research doctor that is trying to get a drug for breast cancer called Herceptin approved through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This Film has some unethical and ethical events take place like favoritism, the funding, and of course the process to get FDA approval. Miss Evers Boys had severalRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of Physician Assisted Suicide Essay1736 Words  | 7 Pagesintentional discontinuation, by the patient s physician, of vital treatment that could prolong the person s life. Assisted suicide occurs when a health care worker provides a patient with tools and/or medication that will help the patient kill him or herself, without the direct intervention of the care provider. This paper will define key terms for my argument against Physician Assisted Death, and why I believe it’s wrong, where I will provide a brief background of the situation. Next, I will provideRead MoreDying With Dignity. The Right To Assisted Suicide Is A1090 Wor ds  | 5 PagesDying With Dignity The right to assisted suicide is a significant topic that concerns people all over the United States. The debates go back and forth about whether a dying patient has the right to die with the assistance of a physician. Some are against it because of religious and moral reasons. Others are for it because of their compassion and respect for the dying. Physicians are also divided on the issue. They differ where they place the line that separates relief from dying--and killing. For
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Advancement of Civic Engagement by Community Foundations...
The role of civic engagement in neighborhood revitalization, particularly in low income African American communities, has gained increased awareness and in recent years. Community, nonprofit, and government leaders now view civic engagement as a critical component of effective solutions as they seek to address crime, unemployment, low graduation rates and numerous other neighborhood challenges. Several successful initiatives have come to fruition and provide strong evidence of the benefits that increased civic engagement provides. Experts commonly define civic engagement as individual and group actions that collectively address general issues of concern that are public in nature. Civic engagement takes many forms such†¦show more content†¦Such efforts are by no means new as neighborhood revitalization through the civic engagement of residents in low income communities has long been a funding priority of the philanthropic community. The African American community in pa rticular, hard hit by social and economic challenges, presents many opportunities for the increased civic engagement on the part of residents to promote changes in approaches and strategies. Community foundations have the resources and commitment to community revitalization to make significant inroads into solving the problems in low income communities. Tester, Ruel, Anderson, Reitzes, and Oakley (2011) describe issues such as urban renewal as directly responsible for the decline and destruction of low-income African American communities. They argue that strategies such as relocating residents of public housing and high crime areas for example are not solutions to the root cause of the problem – lack of support, inadequate resources, and isolation. Further, relocating residents of these communities does not result in improved quality of life. In fact, those moved out of one low income community typically migrate to a similar type of community that is usually only a few miles from where they originally resided. It is at the community level in everyday activities that citizens can experience the most measurable and impactful degree of civic engagement.Show MoreRelatedInequities in Access to Quality Programs: A Detrimental Factor in Continued Strife Within the Urban Underclass 2004 Words  | 9 Pagesyears. Rather the s ituation has grown increasingly dire with continued and extreme inequities. Communities within the urban setting suffer from poverty levels much greater than those in rural communities. Mona Scott (2012), explains that minority groups suffer from the effects of the inequity of poverty. African American communities experience an unemployment rate of 15 percent, whereas white communities have an unemployment rate of 10 percent (p. 177). 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It also presents opportunities for low-fat ice creams.’ Or, in analysing the demographics of the Cochlearâ„ ¢ ï ¬ rm, you may conclude that there is a global market of 1.8 million profoundly deaf people and that this provides a huge undeveloped market for the implantable hearing devices industryRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesFundamentals of Human Resource Management Tenth Edition David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University San Diego, CA Tenth Edition Contributor Susan L. Verhulst Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, IA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager Marketing Assistant Production Manager Senior Production Editor Freelance Development Editor Senior Designer InteriorRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 Pagesapplications. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Franklin Delano Roosevelt And The New York - 1688 Words
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, NY on January 30, 1882. He grew up extremely wealthy and homeschooled until he was fourteen. However, in 1896 he attended Groton School for boys, a prestigious prep school. He graduated in 1900 and went on to study at Harvard where he received a degree in only three years. He met his wife and fifth cousin Eleanor during this time and they were married on March 17, 1905. After he got married he studied law at Columbia University of Law and passed the bar exam in 1907. Following law school, he practiced law for 3 years before deciding that it was boring and moved on to bigger and better things, such as politics. At age 28 he was invited to run for the New York State Senate in 1910. He ran as†¦show more content†¦Naval Reserve which traditionally drilled one weekend a month and two weeks of annual training during the year, receiving base pay and certain special pays when performing inactive duty and full pay and allowances while on active duty or under mobilization orders or otherwise recalled to full active duty. Two years later in 1914 he ran for the U.S. Senate seat for New York and lost due to lack of support. He stayed where he was for a few years and in 1920 accepted the nomination of Vice President to James M. Cox, who was defeated by Warren G. Harding, but FDR gained national exposure. He contracted polio shortly after this and took a few years to recover believing that his political career was over. However, he continued with encouragement from his wife. He helped Alfred E. Smith win the election for governor of New York in 1922, and in 1924 was a strong supporter of Smith against his cousin, Republican Theodore Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt gave nominating speeches for Smith at the 1924 and 1928 Democratic conventions; the speech at the 1924 election marked a return to public life following his illness and in 1928 he was elected the governor of New York, during which Roosevelt maintained contacts and mended fences with the Democratic Party, although he had initially made his name as an opponent of New York City s Tammany Hall machine, which typically controlled Democratic Party nominations and political patronage in Manhattan. Roosevelt moderated his stance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Measles Outbreak Some Differing Views - 1205 Words
Measles Outbreak: Some Differing Views In Michelle Fox’s article, Expect measles outbreak to continue, says doctor, Dr. William Schaffner, Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine, says that the outbreak will continue for some time because there is a sufficient number of unvaccinated children to continue the spread of measles. According to the CDC, there have been 84 cases of measles and 67 of those have been linked to the outbreak at Disney. Dr. Schaffner also reiterates that measles can be brought to the United States from overseas. If someone from another country comes here with measles and is around unvaccinated children, there is potential to spread the disease. Today, February 1, 2015, CDC Director Tom Frieden said â€Å"the U.S.†¦show more content†¦One of my friends is anti-vaccination and has a daughter under 12 months. His fear is that the ingredients in the vaccines are more harmful than the disease that is to be prevented. He believes that there is a link to autism from vaccinati ons and that they are not good for us. I asked him where he got his information from because I am curious as to why he holds this belief. He was emphatic that the rise in rates of autism and allergies is due to vaccination and that we are not being told what is really in the vaccines. I asked him if he worried about his daughter getting one of these diseases that could kill her. There was a long pause and he told me that no one had ever put it to him in that light. I told him that there is more scientific evidence from reputable sources to prove that autism, allergies and vaccines are not linked. We had a long discussion about the measles outbreak and I found it interesting that he blames those parents that chose not to get their child(ren) vaccinated and yet he does not believe that his choice with his daughter is the â€Å"same thing†. I asked him why he blamed those parents and still refused to vaccinate his daughter. He never answered me outright so I just dropped it. I asked him how he would feel if he learned that his unvaccinated child spread a disease to a younger baby and that baby died as
A Book Based On Experiences And Life Of Dr. Otis Brawley
How we do harm is a book based on experiences and life of Dr. Otis Brawley’s life as a practicing oncologist at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, and researcher for the National Cancer Institute. This book is based on many issues and facts that our medical system is facing now. He pulls back the curtain on how medicine is really practiced in America. This book shows us every aspect of the complicated triangle relationship between patients, disease and doctors. This book starts with a patient Edna Riggs who was carrying her detached breast in a bag waiting for doctors to get operated on; she was suffering from advanced stage of breast cancer which in turn resulted in infection and eventual auto mastectomy. This sheds light on the†¦show more content†¦Brawley calls for rational healthcare, healthcare drawn from results-based, scientifically justifiable treatments, and not just the peddling of hot new drugs. He also expressed his thoughts on racism in medicine . He explains reasoned analysis of racially driven information, why black people are afraid of taking medical aid and about his experience as a black doctor practicing, and his interactions with black and white patients, where black people are afraid of doctors where as white not trusting a black doctor. He explains about project LEAD a breast cancer advocacy group founded by Dr. Susan where all the members in this group are trained with a special curriculum using science, statistics and epidemiology. They teach about latest treatments of breast cancer and all about it. Author repeatedly refers to audience in many occasions to fight for the cause of right information and better health care. This book refers a single point that all cancer patients die because of poor medical care. According to author neither rich nor poor are getting close to optimum care considered by him. He says rich suffer from over medicating and unnecessary treatment while poor suffer from inability to access health care. Brawley’s efforts to address the workings of the â€Å"cancer industry†and the ways in which it fails patients. This, to me, is the real
Relating Philosophy to Pedagogy free essay sample
Within any early childhood education (ECE) setting the pedagogy of the educators will have great impact on the programmes and philosophies which the children within that setting will be influenced by. Teachers have a responsibility to build and maintain authentic, open, reciprocal relationships with children, families and the community (Gailer, 2010). This is not only an integral part of the early childhood curriculum Te Whariki which has relationships as one of its four foundation principles (Ministry of Education [MoE], 1996) but also part of the teaching standards and ethics. As a teacher I relish in the chance to build relationships with many different children, all unique in their culture, strengths, ideas and way of being. The importance I place on relationships sits well with both Vygotsky’s and Bronfenbrenner’s sociocultural theories. Vygotsky emphasised the importance of the people surrounding a child, seeing them crucial for supporting and enhancing the child’s development. Bronfenbrenner extended this into a model of contextual factors, using ideas about five kinds of contexts surrounding the individual child including their micro- and meso-systems where the interactions of their day-to-day realities occur (Drewery amp; Bird, 2004). These theories have been vital in the development of New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki, and so my understandings of these and with my personal philosophy I hope to have the skills to be able to build respectful reciprocal relationships with all learners. Building these relationships however is not as easy as people outside of the profession often assume. Appendix 2 shows Suzie Gailer’s (2010) article on being professional, the article discusses how professional integrity of practice is reliant on teachers having a particular set of values, respect, authenticity, empowerment and transparency. The image of the child is culturally constructed and linked to our time and place in history, the image I have as a teacher today of children is very different to that of which I was viewed as a child. My image of the child has altered as I have gained both practical and theoretical teaching experience. In my first practicums I did not necessarily know what to expect about building initial relationships with children but as I have gained knowledge I now know that children can be trusted to build these relationships in timeframes which are right for them. Te Whariki (MoE, 1996) presents the image of children as competent learners and communicators and I now uphold this image in my teaching practice and as a parent (Appendices 3, 4 amp; 5), along with the values of respect which I have articulated through the following of Magda Gerber’s work. From my own relatively limited practical experience and theoretical knowledge I can relate to the notion of Edwards amp; Nuttall (2005) where â€Å"the pedagogy, or ‘the act of teaching’, is not only mediated by educators’ understandings about the children, learning, and the curriculum; their understandings about the social settings in which they work, their personal experiences beyond the workplace and their engagement with the centre’s wider community all have a role in determining the educator’s actions†(p. 36). My own underlying beliefs, values and philosophies all impact on my teaching style and, although often unconsciously, on the way I relate to individuals. Commitment to reflective practice, the personal philosophy I have articulated and the desire for professional development will aid me in holding true to a pedagogy which is responsive in time as well as to individuals. This pedagogy with its identified aspects of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation is influenced by my values and experiences and I attempt to explain and reflect upon these in this essay. The main assessment process I use is ‘Learning Stories’, an approach developed by Dr. Margaret Carr. Learning stories show a snapshot of a learning experience which has been shared with the child or children involved and are a record of the interests and strengths of the child. Research shows that learning is more effective when it is derived from interests, encouraging motivation and the sense of confidence that comes from working within one’s own strengths. The learning story framework is based on the belief that developing good learning dispositions is the most important skill in early childhood and this fits well with my values of respect and having the Te Whariki image of the child, a confident, competent learner and communicator. The foundations of learning stories are the dispositions found in Te Whariki and in my own learning stories these are highlighted, showing fellow educators, parents and whanau how I work to support children’s learning in all aspects of the programme and curriculum (Appendices 4, 6 amp; 7). Upholding this image of children in practice is however met with challenges. Woodrow (1999) describes how there are resulting constructions of childhood based on how individuals experienced childhood, on cultural artefacts and on professional knowledge, Ellen Pifer (2000) also describes these conflicting images in her book Demon or Doll (Appendix 8) which has truly opened my mind to ways of seeing individuals. Other teaching professionals may hold different images of children such as the child as innocent or as an embryo adult and this will impact on the way they act around and towards children. Having a commitment towards reflective practice and regularly evaluating my personal pedagogy will allow me to deal with these challenges, giving me the skills to explain my viewpoint and understand that of others so that the best possible outcome is achieved. To undertake such assessment it is important to build a relationship with the children and these reciprocal relationships are another key part of my philosophy. This value has changed with my experience and theoretical knowledge, in my initial practicum I was unsure about how to go about building relationships that are both respectful and reciprocal (Appendices 9 amp; 10) but my confidence in this has, and will continue, to grow (Appendix 11). I believe that building a reciprocal relationship means sharing aspects of my life with children and not expecting them to reveal themselves without the favour being returned. I have a huge passion towards animals and I have shared this with the children on my last two practicums by taking along my guinea pigs (Appendix 12). The children feel aspects of empowerment and trust as I allow them to be intimately involved with a very important part of my personal life. Building such relationships prior to undertaking assessment highlights the spiral nature of teaching and the aspects of pedagogies. Taking the guinea pigs to the centre required planning and careful implementation, including discussion with staff and families to ensure cultural needs were met. Some cultures do not agree with the keeping of animals as pets and in order to uphold the respectful image of the child and relationships with the family and community I needed to accept and respect this belief. The centre policies and legislation also play a role in planning and implementation, health and hygiene regulations needed to be considered for this activity and for others many different policies will come into play. For further assessment and planning the involvement of colleagues and whanau in the learning stories and other documentation would play a vital role in the continuation of the interest but unfortunately the short nature of the practicum did not allow for this. Cultural needs and matches weight heavily in the planning and implementation stages of my pedagogy. This is linked to all the values in my philosophy; relationships, respect and equity. These values mean that I believe in focussing on skills and talents rather than on deficiencies to create learning environments, for example respecting that crying is a valid attempt at communication and can be a qualified learning experience (Appendix 11). Nyland (2004) describes how the participation rights and contexts of infants’ knowledge can be overlooked in childcare settings. On-line discussions with fellow students regarding this reading give support to the idea that disrespectful environments adversely affect the identity and participation of children. What happens in an environment when an identity is missing altogether and children are faced with images of white middle class able bodied members of society? What message is that giving to these children and their families? You don’t belong? You are not a real member of our society? We don’t value you? The environments we plan for the children speak volumes about how we view society and the people we respect and value (Ellis, R. , Fuamatu, P. Perry Smith, A. M. Moodle; September 2011). During planning I therefore need to think ahead about resources which reflect the cultures within the setting and the community. This can be achieved through communication with other educators in the setting, parents, and other members of the community such as kaumatua or the local priest. Planning for social occasions is also important to me as I feel they link the ECE setting with the wider community and social values. This includes events such as Mother’s and Father’s day (Appendix 13) as well as cultural occasions such as the Lantern Festival, Diwali and Pasifika events. Although during such planning I am mindful of the goals and learning outcomes which Te Whariki and the teaching standards present I also constantly remind myself of the holistic nature in which the learning will occur. Lawrence (2004) describes the shift in thinking and programme planning in ECE settings over the past two decades, from keeping children busy to planning cycles and then Te Whariki. Lawrence clarifies that although the word planning is still used; it is not in the traditional sense of the word but rather can be seen as â€Å"reflectively responding to children’s thinking (p. 16). †An example in her rticle shows how the learning experience of children can be very different to that pre-planned or expected by the teacher (Appendix 14). A challenge presents itself where teachers have been trained and had experience in times where different planning programmes were utilised, disagreeing views and beliefs can lead to conflict within teaching teams and a dedicat ion to reflective practice is required by all parties if favourable outcomes are to be reached. This reflective practice is a vital part of the evaluation process of my pedagogy. What worked? What didn’t work? Where do I go from here? Schon (2002) described how the entire process of reflection-in-action, where our knowing is in our action, is central to the skill practitioners have in dealing with situations of uncertainty, instability and uniqueness as well as valuing conflict. Holding true to a value where children are respected as individuals and valued for their own unique set of skills, uncertain and unique situations are inevitable in the day-to-day practice of an ECE setting. With the set of reflective skills I now possess I hope to be able to turn these situations of uncertainty into ones of learning, for both myself and children involved. With continuing professional development and an ever increasing amount of practical experience I feel I am in good stead to continue my career as an early childhood educator and support the children within my influence to grow up in line with the aspirations of Te Whariki, â€Å"competent and confident learners and communicators †¦ a valued contribution to society†.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
It Support and System
Question: You are required to review the System Security and Patch Policy for Whizbang Publicity and respond to the IT support scenario for this task. Answer: Introduction The maintenance of the system security is the utmost need of the organizations whether large or small (Ben-Asher and Gonzalez 2015). The security features are meant to protect the vulnerable data of the organization. The security is maintained through installation of antivirus softwares and upgradation of the system. The paper describes the system security and Patch policy of Whizbang and provides recommendations to improve the policy. The paper also provides information about the antivirus best suited for the organization and gives a brief overview of the installation and maintenance cost. The paper also provides IT support to the employees queries. It also provides a brief overview of the benefits of installing new antivirus software to the organization. Moreover, the paper also provides the cost estimation of installing the antivirus software in the employees computer. Whizbangs System Security and Patch Policy The major objective of the Publicity System Security and Patch Policy of the Whizbang is to provide a secure network environment for the employees, business partners as well as the contractors. According to the policy the employees are free to install any antivirus of their choice. Moreover, the systems are checked annually for system updates as well as antivirus software updates. Once, an alert to a new patch is found it is analyzed as critical and non-critical and implementation details are respectively applied (Jones and Chin 2015). A risk assessment is also done based on the criticality of the patch. However, after the approval of the updates they are installed in the systems. The usage of the antivirus is different in different systems should be stopped and a similar kind of antivirus should be installed in the computers of all the employees. Moreover, instead of checking the systems annually, the systems should be checked on a regular basis for the status of windows, Microsoft products and antivirus software updates. Responses to the employees emails In response to the first query, for the faster running of the system various changes can be done such as uninstallation of the unused programs as running of programs in the background possess load on the CPU, thus those programs should be uninstalled. Moreover, removal of temporary files adds to the speed of the computer. Prevention of unnecessary startups will affect the speed of the system as less consumption of memory will occur. Other way of increasing the speed of the computer is getting in more RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM is utilized by the programs which are currently in execution (Deriaz 2015). Hence, the system will get slow due to the presence of less RAM. Reconfiguration of the hard drive so as to store information to maximum efficiency can increase the speed of the computer. Moreover, the rtv scan can be stopped by installing pskill. This will stop the rtv scan in the system. Stopping the scan is necessary as it drains out the battery and hampers the speed of the system (Pinel, Shwartz and Tang 2014). For the second query regarding the installation of the Antivirus Live so as to curb down the infectious virus in the system. These pop up notifications are generally false and prior research should be conducted before the installation of such antivirus. The notification does not actually mean that the system is infected as those warnings can be fake and could be caused due to malwares (Meyer, Howard and Loofbourrow 2017). Thus, installation of the Antivirus Live should not be carried out. Trend Micros Office Scan 12.0 The Trend Micro Office Scan 12.0 is considered as the best antivirus software for small business. This antivirus was found successful in detecting zero day and all kinds of malware attacks including the email and web threats (Stroma, Wilson and Wauson 2014). It also has the capacity of detecting the malware prior to testing. It proves to be beneficial for the business as it offers various functionalities such as: Provides user security. Prevents transfer of viruses from the USB devices. Blocks the access of the employees to unauthorized sites. It also shields the system against ransomwares. It automatically updates and monitors the system. It also does not require manual updates as it gets updated automatically. In addition to the above features the antivirus software provides various other features such as no requirement of server or maintenance and also blocks access to inappropriate sites. The software also blocks malicious email attachments and also protects mobile devices. Cost estimation of installing the Antivirus The antivirus Office Scans advanced solutions for maintaining security would cost AUD $59.87 per user. Moreover, an on premise solution would require AUD $62.02 (Trim and Lee 2014). The initial cost of implementation is high, but the software provides additional features to maintain the security of the system. It does not require manual labor to be upgraded as it gets upgraded automatically. It also prevents access to inappropriate websites. The software also provides mobile protection. The software also has a free trail after which it can be downloaded from the companys website. Backup and Recovery The antivirus software offers restoration of the database and also provides the configuration file backup for the office scan server such that the files lost or damaged can be restored back (Chou et al., 2015). There are certain steps to be followed so as to retrieve the lost file or data. Conclusion Thus, with the above discussion it can be concluded that implementation of antivirus is essential for the maintenance of cyber security of the organization. The Security Policy of the organization implements the installation of the similar antivirus software for all the employees as different antivirus software poses different issues which needs to be solved differently and requires immense time. Moreover, the suggested antivirus software provides additional features such as backup and recovery options. Moreover, it prevents the installation of malicious documents by preventing access to inappropriate websites. Moreover, additional costs are also less as it does not require server maintenance and also blocks malicious emails such that the attachments are not installed in the computer system. Hence, prevents the computers from the malwares References Ben-Asher, N. and Gonzalez, C., 2015. Effects of cyber security knowledge on attack detection.Computers in Human Behavior,48, pp.51-61. Chou, S.C.H., Hu, M.H., Kuo, K.C. and Lam, B.K., International Business Machines Corp, 2015.System management controller and method of configuration file backup and recovery. U.S. Patent Application 14/699,599. Deriaz, E., 2015. Six-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement for Vlasov simulation. Jones, B.H. and Chin, A.G., 2015. On the efficacy of smartphone security: A critical analysis of modifications in business students practices over time.International Journal of Information Management,35(5), pp.561-571. Meyer, G.R., Howard Jr, A.R. and Loofbourrow, W., Apple Inc, 2017.System and method for passive detection and context sensitive notification of upgrade availability for computer information. U.S. Patent 9,678,734. Pinel, F., Shwartz, L. and Tang, L., International Business Machines Corp, 2014.Methods and apparatus for system monitoring. U.S. Patent 8,903,923. Stroman, J., Wilson, K. and Wauson, J., 2014.Administrative assistant's and secretary's handbook. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Trim, P. and Lee, Y.I., 2014.Cyber security management: a governance, risk and compliance framework. Gower Publishing, Ltd..
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